Key Capabilities
Drag-and-Drop Job Setup Rapidly create new processing sequences – recipes - by combining processing, inspection, and automation steps on to a job timeline using simple drag-and-drop operations. |
Easily Set Access Levels User access levels allow production personnel to operate equipment without changing job parameters. Operators can move between machines without the need for reconfiguring workstations. |
Total System Control Control 바카라노하우 operation and parameters, beam steering devices, motion system components, digital cameras, and data exchange all within the environment. |
![]() 轻松导入您的设计 Coherent Visual 바카라노하우 Marker 软件可用于基于扫描的应用,并无缝导入以前在旧系统上创建的打标设计。 |
바카라노하우 FrameWork 套件提供直观的用户体验
了解 Coherent Laser FrameWork 软件套件中直观的用户体验如何通过简单的拖放功能简化바카라노하우工艺的创建和执行。 现在,创建新的工艺配方非常简单,只需将预定义的工艺步骤拖到作业时间线上即可。 仅仅单击几下鼠标,就可以将바카라노하우参数、控制运动、视觉任务等全部包含在一项作业中。
Coherent 바카라노하우 Framework 提高了生产效率