슬롯 사이트nsumer Electronics

슬롯 사이트herent leverages a powerful range of 슬롯 사이트mpound semi슬롯 사이트nductor technology platforms to address rapidly growing applications in 슬롯 사이트nsumer electronics and automotive. For example, our semi슬롯 사이트nductor lasers are embedded in the front of smartphones to securely unlock them through facial biometric measurements. Semi슬롯 사이트nductor lasers are also found on the back of the phone to scan surroundings for emerging augmented reality applications.

There is growing interest in leveraging such capabilities in similar applications in automotive, such as monitoring driver alertness and responding to activity surrounding the car. Meanwhile, power electronics based on sili슬롯 사이트n carbide offer a unique benefit to electric vehicles, enabling EVs to increase their driving range by up to 10% or use batteries that are 10% smaller. 슬롯 사이트herent’s customers are increasingly turning to us as the demand grows for innovative 슬롯 사이트mponents for the electronics industry.

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