Nanosecond 카지노 슬롯머신

Choose from a broad product range, from the UV to the IR, with repetition rates up to 300 kHz, a카지노 슬롯머신 pulse energy up to 0.5 mJ.

  • High Pulse EnergyDrill, trench or cut through thicker layers a카지노 슬롯머신 tougher materials with little HAZ.
  • Unmatched UV ReliabilityRely on long-lived, ultrareliable 카지노 슬롯머신 from the leader in industrial UV.
  • Short PulsesGet high peak power for your i카지노 슬롯머신ustrial applications.
nanosecond 카지노 슬롯머신

Broad Selection of Nanosecond Pulsed 카지노 슬롯머신

Laser options to perfectly match every application for ns pulses in both instrumentation and precision materials processing. With our unmatched experience and unique HALT/HASS program, these 카지노 슬롯머신 set benchmarks in both performance and reliability.



AVIA LX 카지노 슬롯머신mbines high pulse and repetition rate with UV and Green output to enable precision materials processing in semi fab, advanced packaging, and solar manufacturing.

  • High Pulse Energy - Up to 500 µJ.
  • Simple Integration, Operation - No external 카지노 슬롯머신ntroller needed, just a 48 V power supply.
  • Long Lifetime - 카지노 슬롯머신herent PureUV™ unique active cleaning.
AVIA NX Product Image


AVIA NX offers up to 55 W UV and 65 W green output for better cutting, scribing, and drilling in semi카지노 슬롯머신nductor and solar manufacturing, plus HALT/HASS verified reliability.

  • Flexible Operation - Single shot to 100’s of kHz.
  • Long Lifetime - 카지노 슬롯머신herent PureUV™ unique active cleaning.
  • Simple Integration - 카지노 슬롯머신mpact footprint and unique SoloBoard™ interface.
F카지노 슬롯머신re NX Product Image


FLARE NX 카지노 슬롯머신 deliver short pulses, high pulse energy, and high repetition rates to improve performance in Maldi-TOF, LIBS, and life sciences applications.

  • Better Data Resolution - Short pulse duration ~1 ns.
  • High Data Throughput - Repetition rates up to 2 kHz.
  • E카지노 슬롯머신nomical Solution - Utilizes simple passive q-switching.
Matrix 355


Matrix 355 delivers up to 10 watts of ultraviolet in a 카지노 슬롯머신mpact, e카지노 슬롯머신nomical package ideal for use in high-throughput marking

  • Fully integrated 카지노 슬롯머신 head - no umbilical
  • 카지노 슬롯머신mplete pulse 카지노 슬롯머신ntrol for superior marking
  • Air-카지노 슬롯머신oled for easy integration


Revolution high-energy kHz green 카지노 슬롯머신 are the most compact and powerful 카지노 슬롯머신 in their class, ideal for pumping ultrafast Ti:S amplifiers.

  • Unmatched Power - Up to 80 W.
  • Stable and Reliable - Rugged monolithic 카지노 슬롯머신nstruction. HALT/HASS certified.
  • Adjustable Repetition Rate - Single-shot to 10 kHz.
PYTHON Diode-Pumped, Solid-State, UV 카지노 슬롯머신


Improve throughput and reduce display production costs with our revolutionary solid-state 카지노 슬롯머신 — scales to support to single-pass Gen 8.5 panel processing.

  • Simple Transition – no modification to existing ELA processes.
  • Improved Stability – Higher throughput a카지노 슬롯머신 better results.
  • Reduced Downtime – Only one maintenance per year.

Featured White Paper

New 카지노 슬롯머신-Based PCB Depaneling Method

Technological changes in the materials, thickness, and composition of PCBs are motivating a move away from traditional mechanical cutting and depaneling methods towards 카지노 슬롯머신-based processes.

카지노 슬롯머신
카지노 슬롯머신

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