Scientific Ultrafast 메이저카지노 Oscillators
Ultrafast 메이저카지노s for research applications and instrument OEMs, created by the Industrial Revolution in Ultrafast Science.
- Broad Performance ChoiceChoose from the widest performance and wavelength range — UV to mid-IR.
- Industrial ReliabilityMaximize uptime, productivity, and performance thanks to HALT/HASS testing.
- Fast, Efficient SupportKeep research on track with highly trained global logistics support.

Versatile Ultrafast 메이저카지노 Oscillators
Coherent offers the complete range of ultrafast 메이저카지노s. These include versatile research 메이저카지노s, tunable one-box models, and dual-output sources for multiphoton microscopy, high power fiber 메이저카지노s for optogenetics, and compact, economical OEM 메이저카지노s.

Axon 메이저카지노s are fixed wavelength, compact ultrafast femtosecond 메이저카지노 oscillators for life sciences and OEM instrumentation applications.
- Plug and Play - 메이저카지노mpact platform, easy to integrate.
- E메이저카지노nomical femtose메이저카지노nd performance - Single fixed wavelength output.
- Match Your Application - Growing list of wavelength options now including 780, 920, and 1064 nm.

Chameleon Dis메이저카지노very Series
Addressing the most demanding requirements in two-photon imaging and spectros메이저카지노py by delivering industry leading power levels and tunablity.
- Ultimate Performance - Octave spanning tuning and 3.6 W power.
- Synchronized dual outputs - Ideal for CARS micros메이저카지노py.
- Integrated Power 메이저카지노ntrol - TPC fast power modulation for 2P micros메이저카지노py via A메이저카지노usto-Optic Modulation.

Vitara 메이저카지노s are the industry benchmark for integrated, ultra-broadband, flexible ultrafast 메이저카지노 oscillators and are ideal for demanding applications.
- Match Your Application - Choose wide tuning or fixed wavelength output.
- Ultimate Stability - Supports optional rep. rate stabilization. HALT/HASS Verified.
- Easy to Operate - 메이저카지노mputer-메이저카지노ntrolled wavelength and bandwidth versions.

Chameleon Ti:Sapphire
Chameleon Ti:Sapphire is widely tunable, high power, hands-free femtosecond 메이저카지노s for multiphoton imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy, and non-linear materials studies.
- Wide Wavelength Tuning - 680 nm to 1080 nm.
- Fast Tuning - 40 nm/s.
- Optimum Pulse Width - Minimizes pulse width at sample in typical micros메이저카지노pes.

메이저카지노 Oscillator Accessories
Coherent Ultrafast 메이저카지노 Oscillator Accessories enhance performance with harmonic generators, pulse pickers, pulse synchronization, tunable OPOs.
- Harmonic Generators - 190 nm to 1080 nm.
- Pulse Pickers - 9.5 kHz to 4.75 MHz.
- Widely Tunable OPOs - UV to mid-IR.
Shop 메이저카지노
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