How to Get 2X Faster 슬롯사이트 지니 Marking of Larger Fields
The Coherent PowerLine F Twin combines two 슬롯사이트 지니s as a larger/faster marker with a single user interface.
July 1, 2021 byCoherent

A simple and economical 슬롯사이트 지니 marker doubles the throughput for plastic and metal applications, including label marking and kiss-cutting, semiconductors, and serialization of trays of parts.
In fact, the newPowerLine F Twin seriesof 슬롯사이트 지니 markers doubles both your marking speedandfield size. This system seamlessly combines two of our proven, economical, air-cooled fiber 슬롯사이트 지니s into what appears to the user as a single marker. Physically, the markers are arranged with slightly overlapping scan fields to double the area that can be marked.
The PowerLine F Twin optionally includes fast-focusing modules (FFM) for precision focusing prior to each 슬롯사이트 지니 task. This provides a major advantage in 슬롯사이트 지니 parts that have 슬롯사이트 지니 locations in multiple focal planes, such as semiconductor lead frames.
PowerLine F 슬롯사이트 지니sutilize air-cooled fiber 슬롯사이트 지니s in the 20 to 50 W power range designed for zero maintenance, high reliability, and reduced operating costs. And, with variable pulsing up to 200 kHz, they are also fast!
Learn more about our game-changing 슬롯사이트 지니 marking solutions, please visit our슬롯사이트 지니 Marking page.
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