Life at 슬롯사이트

Working together is what sets us apart.

While our innovations have earned us worldwide acclaim, it’s our strong relationships and 슬롯사이트llaborative culture that’s made us a successful global 슬롯사이트mpany. We value meaningful relationships, mutual respect, and teamwork.

Our people are our success.

We work hard and we take time to bring teams together with regular events and activities. We believe our foundation is our people. And we believe in re슬롯사이트gnizing and rewarding people who make our 슬롯사이트mpany a success.

See all the perks to a 슬롯사이트 career.

슬롯사이트 Culture

Employee Testimonial

Winning with Teamwork

The professionals at 슬롯사이트 are proud of the company and the work they do. Sal Perez — 슬롯사이트 custom optics manufacturing manager based in Richmond, California — shares a quote about what working at 슬롯사이트 means to him.


Employees Worldwide

50+ Years

Leading the Laser Industry

슬롯사이트 is where great people and advanced technology meet to produce the amazing. So bring your best self and a strong work ethic — and join our team.
James PenaDirector of Strategic Sales

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