Patricia 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만

President and Chief Operating Officer, Opsera

Director since 2019, Class Three (Term Expi꽁 머니 카지노 3 만ng 2026)
Member of Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

Patricia 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만 is currently President and Chief Operating Officer of Opsera, an early-stage DevOps platform company, where she has served since May 2023. She previously served as Chief Customer Officer of Palo Alto Networks, Inc., a multinational cybersecurity company, from 2019 to 2022. Prior to Palo Alto Networks, Ms. 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만 was General Manager and Senior Vice President—Services and Interim Chief Information Officer of McAfee, LLC, a global computer security software company, from January to July 2017, and was the Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President—Operations, at McAfee from 2010 to 2015. Ms. 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만 additionally served as the Chief Information Officer—Intel Security and General Manager—Security & Software at Intel Corporation, a leader in the semiconductor industry, from 2015 to 2016. She also held various leadership roles at Cisco Systems, Inc., and AT&T Corporation.

Ms. 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만 served on the board of directors of Barrick Gold Corporation, an international mining company, and Qualys, Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based security and compliance solutions. She holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. Among the attributes that qualify Ms. 꽁 머니 카지노 3 만 to serve as a member of Coherent’s Board are her experience in executive roles at various cybersecurity and technology companies and her prior experience on boards of directors of public companies.

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