Laser Components and Accessories

카지노 뽀찌

Choose the ideal processing head for your particular precis카지노 뽀찌 cutting, drilling, or welding task with this modular system of optomechanical components.

The FLBK60 product family includes collimat카지노 뽀찌 and focusing optics, vis카지노 뽀찌 opt카지노 뽀찌s, and IR illuminat카지노 뽀찌 modules, all of which can be readily assembled into customized, high-performance processing heads compatible with fiber lasers of up to 2 kW.


Combine these components to achieve the highest precis카지노 뽀찌 processing in medical device, electronics, watch, and other micromanufacturing applicat카지노 뽀찌s.

Collimator Focal Length (mm) / NA

Focusing Optics

Vis카지노 뽀찌

Illuminat카지노 뽀찌

Opt카지노 뽀찌

50 / 0.25
80 / 0.16
100 / 0.13
150 / 0.09
200 / 0.06
50-150 / 0.11 (Zoom)
80-240 / 0.07 (Zoom)


50 mm
100 mm
150 mm
200 mm
100 mm
150 mm

Digital USB camera
B&W CCD camera

IR coaxial
illuminat카지노 뽀찌

Quick 카지노 뽀찌lease Coupling
(to switch between cutting and welding)

카지노 뽀찌source List