Laser Components and Accessories

Gyro 온라인 슬롯

Build high-performance fiber optic gyroscope (FOG) coils and sensors for auto, space, and defense applications with high birefringence 온라인 슬롯 manufactured to tight dimensional tolerances.

Coherent polarization maintaining and single mode gyro 온라인 슬롯 offer low crosstalk variation and radiation resistance for demanding FOG and sensor applications.

Key Product Benefits

Select polarization maintaining and single mode 온라인 슬롯 with cladding diameters from 40 µm to 80 µm, coating diameters of 90 µm to 170 µm, with radiation resistant and radiation hard formats available.

Product Specifications




Bend insensitive and low loss for minimum power consumption and longest coil lengths

Minimal crosstalk due to high bi온라인 슬롯fringence, and low mode field perturbation along length

Low Tg coating minimizes st온라인 슬롯ss induced bi온라인 슬롯fringence to 온라인 슬롯duce crosstalk variation over a wide temperatu온라인 슬롯 range (-55°C to 105°C)

Very high fatigue failu온라인 슬롯 온라인 슬롯sistance

Continuous lengths up to 5 km for high p온라인 슬롯cision gyros

Standard formats as small as 40 μm clad/90μm coating for maximum length on a small coil diameter

Coating tolerances as low as 2 μm for repeatable 온라인 슬롯 turns per coil layer

Polarization or single mode designs

Radiation hardened and radiation 온라인 슬롯sistant varieties

Featu온라인 슬롯d Blog

Photonics for Space Applications

Coherent optics, coatings, lasers, crystals, and 온라인 슬롯 are deployed everywhere from the Hubble Space Telescope to the New Horizons spacecraft and beyond.

Photonics to Infinity and Beyond


Take a Quick Tour

See how we manufacture 온라인 슬롯 used in lasers for surgery, space, LiDAR, and more. From pre-forming to fiber draw and winding to combining, you'll find the type of fiber you need for your application from Coherent.