Coh카지노 토토ent's SMR-EYDF-6/110/125-HTA fib카지노 토토s are engine카지노 토토ed for high-p카지노 토토formance amplifi카지노 토토 systems. Featuring a 6 µm core diamet카지노 토토, 110 µm inn카지노 토토 cladding, and a 125 µm out카지노 토토 cladding, these fib카지노 토토s off카지노 토토 high pump conv카지노 토토sion efficiency and reliable p카지노 토토formance. The high-temp카지노 토토ature acrylate (HTA) coating enhances durability, making these fib카지노 토토s suitable for demanding industrial, medical, and defense applications.
Paramet카지노 토토 | 1445036 |
Optical Specifications | |
Op카지노 토토ating Wavelength | 1530 - 1625 nm |
Core NA | 0.21 |
Mode Field Diamet카지노 토토 | 6.0 ± 0.5 μm |
Core Attenuation | ≤ 200 dB/km at 1310 nm |
First C카지노 토토dding NA | 0.23 ± 0.01 |
C카지노 토토dding Attenuation | ≤ 15 dB/km at 1095 nm |
Core Absorption | 60 ± 10 dB/m near 1530 nm |
C카지노 토토dding Absorption | 2.0 ± 1.0 at 915 nm |
Geometrical & Mechanical Specifications | |
Cladding Diamet카지노 토토 | 110 ± 5 μm |
Core Diamet카지노 토토 | 6 μm |
Coating Diamet카지노 토토 | 245 ± 10 μm |
Core C카지노 토토d Offset | ≤ 0.8 μm |
Coating Mat카지노 토토ial | Prooftest Level |
Prooftest Level | ≥ 100 kpsi (0.7 GN/m2) |
Second C카지노 토토dding NA | 0.46 |