
Components & Accessories

PLMA-YSF-10/125, PM Yb-Doped Single Mode 카지노 게임 종류 Fiber

Product image of PLMA-YSF-10/125, PM Yb-Doped Single Mode 카지노 게임 종류 Fiber

Coherent's PLMA-YSF-10/125 fibers are optimized for high-performance laser systems operating at ~1 µm. With a 10 µm core diameter and a 125 µm cladding diameter, these fibers provide exceptional beam quality and reliable polarization maintenance. The PANDA-style stress rods ensure enhanced birefringence, and the NuCOAT fluoroacrylate coating provides superior environmental durability, making these fibers suitable for demanding industrial, medi카지노 게임 종류l, and defense appli카지노 게임 종류tions.


  • PANDA-style stress rods - Provides reliable polarization maintenance
  • NuCOAT fluoroacrylate coating - Ensures superior environment카지노 게임 종류 durability
  • Optimized for single-카지노 게임 종류 operation - Maintains exceptional beam quality
  • 100 kpsi - Guarantees long-term reliability
  • RoHS compliant

Appli카지노 게임 종류tions

  • High-power single-카지노 게임 종류 CW lasers
  • Medi카지노 게임 종류l laser systems
  • Precision instrumentation
  • Industri카지노 게임 종류 laser systems
Parameter 카지노 게임 종류10/125
카지노 게임 종류 Specifications
Operating Wavelength 1015 - 1115 nm
Core NA 0.075
카지노 게임 종류 Field Diameter 10.50 ± 1.00 μm @ 1060 nm
Core Attenuation ≤ 20.0 dB/km @ 1200 nm
Core Absorption 350.0 dB/m at 975 nm
Birefringence 2.5 _ 10⁻⁴
Geometri카지노 게임 종류l & Mechani카지노 게임 종류l Specifi카지노 게임 종류tions
Cladding Diameter 125.0 ± 1.0 μm
Core Diameter 10.0 μm
Coating Diameter 245.0 ± 15.0 μm
Coating Materi카지노 게임 종류 Acrylate
Operating Temperature Range -55 to 85 °C
Prooftest Level ≥ 100 kpsi (0.7 GN/m²)