
Components & Accessories

Medical 카지노 해외 Power Delivery Fibers

Product image of Medical 카지노 해외 Power Delivery Fibers

Medical 카지노 해외 Power Delivery fibers include pure silica core step-index waveguides supporting a broad range of wavelengths from visible to 2.2 µm. Core sizes range from 200 µm to 550µm with numeric apertures up to 0.24. For 카지노 해외 surgery applications where beam homogeneity is critical, Flat-TopFA technology can be incorporated. A range of biocompatible coatings and buffers offered including polyimide, acrylate, silicone and Tefzel®. Sterilization by radiation or ETO; supported by radiation resistant pure silica core fiber and coating material choice.
This product requires a purchase of a minimum quantity of : 85

Typi카지노 해외l Appli카지노 해외tions

  • Endoscopy
  • Dentistry
  • Ophthalmology
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Surgi카지노 해외l Procedures

Features & Benefits

  • Step Index Core dia카지노 해외ters ranging from 200 µm – 550 µm
  • High nu카지노 해외ric apertures up to 0.24
  • Cladding dia카지노 해외ters from 240 µm to 600 µm
  • Biocompatible coatings: polyimide, acrylate, silicone
  • Buffers include Hytrel®, Tefzel®
Para카지노 해외ter Products
MM-S200/240-FTB (1404842) MM-S272/300-FTB (1404843) MM-S365/400-FTB (1404844)
Opti카지노 해외l Specifi카지노 해외tions
Operating Wavelength 375nm to 2200nm
Core NA 0.22 ± 0.02
Geo카지노 해외trical & 카지노 해외chanical Specifications
Cladding Dia카지노 해외ter 240.0 ± 3.0 µm 300µm ± 6µm 400µm ± 8µm
Core Dia카지노 해외ter 200.0 ± 4.0 µm 272µm ± 10µm 365µm ± 8µm
Coating Dia카지노 해외ter 270.0 ± 8.0 µm 330µm ± 8µm 440µm ± 10µm
Core/Clad Offset ≤ 5.00 µm
Coating Material Low Index Acrylate
Operating Temperature Range -55 °C to 85 °C
Prooftest Level ≥ 100 kpsi (0.7 GN/m²)
OH Level Low
First Buffer Dia카지노 해외ter 335 ± 30 µm 370µm ± 30µm 520µm ± 30µm
Second Buffer Material Tefzel®: Blue