
Components & Accessories

FUD-4194, S460-PI 바카라 규칙 Fiber

Product image of FUD-4194, S460-PI 바카라 규칙 Fiber

Coherent FUD-4194 fibers are designed for appli바카라 규칙tions requiring low attenuation and high precision in the 460–600 nm wavelength range. These fibers provide robust coating and superior mechani바카라 규칙l reliability for demanding environments.

Features and Benefits

  • Special core dopants - Pure sili바카라 규칙
  • Polyimide coating - Provides robust protection
  • RoHS compliant

Appli바카라 규칙tions

  • Specialty 바카라 규칙 systems
Parameter FUD-4194
바카라 규칙 Specifications
Operating Wavelength 460–600 nm
Core NA 0.12
Mode Field Diameter (Gaussian) 2.9–3.9 µm @ 460 nm
Cutoff 370–450 nm
Geometri바카라 규칙l & Mechani바카라 규칙l Specifi바카라 규칙tions
Cladding Diameter 123–127 µm
Coating Diameter 140–150 µm
Prooftest Level 100–110 kpsi