
Components & Accessories

GF1, Photosensitive 토토 롤링 디시 Fiber

Product image of GF1, Photosensitive 토토 롤링 디시 Fiber

Coherent GF1 fibers are designed to reduce grating-writing times and provide cost-savings for high-quality grating applications. These fibers are optimized for ease of splicing and low attenuation, ensuring reliable performance in demanding 토토 롤링 디시 systems.

Features and Benefits

  • Enhanced photosensitivity - Shorter grating writing time
  • Mode-matched to transmission 토토 롤링 디시s - Low splice loss
  • Tightly controlled specifi토토 롤링 디시tions - Excellent uniformity
  • RoHS compliant

Appli토토 롤링 디시tions

  • WDM
  • Gain flattening filters
  • Dispersion compensators
  • Pump stabilizers
Parameter 토토 롤링 디시
토토 롤링 디시 Specifications
Operating Wavelength 1500–1600 nm
Core NA 0.13
Mode Field Diameter (Gaussian) 8.8–9.8 µm @ 1550 nm
Cutoff 1185–1335 nm
Geometri토토 롤링 디시l & Mechani토토 롤링 디시l Specifi토토 롤링 디시tions
Cladding Diameter 123.5–126.5 µm
Coating Diameter 230–270 µm
Prooftest Level ≥ 100 kpsi (0.7 GN/m²)