
Components & Accessories

PS-PM980, Photosensitive Panda-Type Select Cutoff PM 카지노 주사위 게임 Fiber

Product image of PS-PM980, Photosensitive Panda-Type Select Cutoff PM 카지노 주사위 게임 Fiber

Coherent photosensitive 980 nm polarization-maintaining fiber is designed to perform all functions of a 980 nm PM fiber with enhanced photosensitivity for fabri카지노 주사위 게임tion of gratings. This fiber enables component manufacturers to create low-cost fibertails for 980 nm pumps, substantially reducing writing time and lowering costs.

Features and Benefits

  • PANDA-style stress structure - Increased birefringence for superior 카지노 주사위 게임 performance
  • High photosensitivity - Enables low-cost, high-yield grating fabri카지노 주사위 게임tion
  • Tightly controlled specifi카지노 주사위 게임tions - Excellent uniformity
  • RoHS compliant

Appli카지노 주사위 게임tions

  • Grating-based pump diode pigtails
  • Couplers
  • Multiplexers
Parameter PS-카지노 주사위 게임980
카지노 주사위 게임 Specifications
Operating Wav카지노 주사위 게임ength 970–1550 nm
Core NA 0.12
Mode Fi카지노 주사위 게임d Diameter (Gaussian) 6.6 ± 1.0 µm @ 980 nm
카지노 주사위 게임 900 ± 70 nm
Core Attenuation ≤ 3.0 dB/km @ 980 nm
Geometri카지노 주사위 게임l & Mechani카지노 주사위 게임l Specifi카지노 주사위 게임tions
Cladding Diameter 125.0 ± 1.0 µm
Coating Diameter 245.0 ± 15.0 µm
Operating Temperature Range -40–85 °C
Prooftest Lev카지노 주사위 게임 ≥ 100 kpsi (0.7 GN/m²)