Coherent at MD&M 카지노 입플 2024

February 6 - 8, 2024
Booth #3019
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Meet With a 카지노 입플 Expert 1:1

Ready to turbocharge your production? Dive into live demos of our 카지노 입플 cutting, welding, and marking systems. Got a tough part? Book an expert consult & find your perfect 카지노 입플 solution.

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Welcome Reception

Join us and other sponsors for a Welcome Reception in the Grand Plaza on February 6th!
Unwind from the day, grab a bite on us, and exchange notes on advances in 카지노 입플 technology, all while listening to your favorite 90’s music.
Date:Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 5 - 7 p.m.
Location:Grand Plaza
카지노 입플

Featured Experts

Bruce Dickinson


Bruce Dickinson

Bruce has been working with 카지노 입플s for decades and has seen more applications than he can remember. Everywhere he looks he is surrounded by different applications and opportunities which quite a few people have no idea could be or are processed on 카지노 입플s.

Jocelyne Martinez


Jocelyne Martinez

Jocelyne collaborates with her customers by assessing the needs of the application and optimizes a process. She understands the critical aspects unique within the medical space and helps navigate her customers to choose the right 카지노 입플 solutions.

Tim McComb, Business Development Manager, Medical


Tim McComb

Timothy McComb, PhD is global manager of business development for components at Coherent. He has held a wide range of roles in both the defense and commercial 카지노 입플 industry spanning 카지노 입플 design, engineering, applications and business development.

Dave Kim


Dave Kim

Dave Kim is the Sales Manager for 카지노 입플 Marking, Welding, and Cutting Systems for Industrial markets for the West Coast.

Bill Saunders


Bill Saunders

Bill brings over 30 years of technical expertise in industrial 카지노 입플 material processing.  In the last decade, he has pursued his passion helping the medical device industry with innovative solutions to reduce cost of production.


Hoonhee Lee


Hoon Hee Lee

Hoon Hee Lee is a Product Line Manager for Exact systems. In addition to product management responsibilities, he works with customers to make sure customers are getting correct systems with correct configuration that meets or exceeds expectations.

Geoff Shannon


Geoff Shannon

As Director of Strategic Marketing for Precision Manufacturing, Geoff supports business units to identify growth opportunities and ensure product and market alignment, analyzes markets, and is a key contributor to our marketing activities.

Jessica Thomas


Jessica Thomas

Jessica Thomas has been putting the needs of customers first as 카지노 입플 Coast Medical Sales Manager for Coherent for the past eight years. She has nearly two decades of experience in the medical device industry, with a particular focus on spinal implants and medical devices.

Customer Success Stories

NPX 카지노 입플

The performance and throughput of their StarCut Tube has enabled NPX to be ever more successful and they recently took delivery of a second StarCut Tube mac카지노 입플ne to meet the fast-growing demand for their services. These services include the full gamut from design, through programing, cutting, forming, post processing and inspection.

카지노 입플
The StarCut Tube has proved itself to be a great workhorse mac카지노 입플ne for NPX with not a single service call required in the past 18 months of near continuous operation.
Mike BrenzelPresident, NPX 카지노 입플

Microtech Welding

Use of the Coherent Manual Welder at Microtech Welding has increased their throughput, and the company now runs multiple systems in production. The 카지노 입플 beam welder has also improved weld quality over GTAW, and reduced the need for post weld finishing.

The Select Manual Welder delivers just the right level of automation for our type of production. Using it, we develop our process, save the settings, make a fixture, and then just repeatedly run the program. It has simplified and sped our manufacturing, and also delivers superior results.
Mike ZehnerMike Zehner, Production Manager Microtech Welding

MD&M 카지노 입플 2024: Highlights & Insights

Catch what you missed at MD&M West! Dive into medical device manufacturing application trends and hear about the latest developments in current challenging welding, cutting, marking & micromachining processes. Our experts will share knowledge on applications such as high-speed hypo tube cutting on the fly; micro welding applications; fully automated marking; marking & structuring of 3D parts and more. Plus get an exclusive peek at our all-new welder specifically designed for medical device production needs. Interviews, demos, and Q&A with 카지노 입플 experts – join us virtually for this insightful session!

Date: February 22, 2024
Time: 12:00 pm ET

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