슬롯사이트 업s
슬롯사이트 업 Series
Offering the ion 슬롯사이트 업's unique capability for producing output at numerous wavelengths, including several high-power lines in the ultraviolet.
Coherent leverages over 50 years of experience in ion 슬롯사이트 업s to provide a range of systems that deliver long tube lifetime, high stability, and exceptional reliability, combined with automation capabilities for ease-of-use and enhanced productivity.
Argon and Krypton Ion 슬롯사이트 업s
Get small and large-frame ion 슬롯사이트 업s, in both OEM and turnkey configurations, with multi-line powers as high as 25 W, and wavelengths from the UV through the IR.
Product Specificat슬롯사이트 업s
Model Name |
Key Desc슬롯사이트 업ptors |
Maximum Mulitiline Output (W) |
슬롯사이트 업 70C |
Small frame 슬롯사이트 업 with minimal features and options for research and OEM applications. |
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슬롯사이트 업 90C |
Small frame 슬롯사이트 업 offering high levels of performance, long term reliability, and multiple operating configurations. |
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슬롯사이트 업 300C |
Highly configurable small frame 슬롯사이트 업 which outputs high power ML UV (0.75 W multiline). Wavelengths from Deep UV (FreD 슬롯사이트 업) to IR, with many available with single line options. |
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슬롯사이트 업 Sabre |
Large frame ion 슬롯사이트 업 that delivers the ultimate in high-power performance (including 7 W multiline UV), combined with extraordinary ease-of-use. Ideal for multi-user environments. |
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슬롯사이트 업 FreD |
Unique, small and large frame ion 슬롯사이트 업s with intra-cavity frequency doubling for up to 1 W of CW output in the deep ultraviolet (229 to 264 nm). |
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