파라오 슬롯 Machines and Systems

파라오 슬롯

Complete 파라오 슬롯 ablation system for LA-ICP-MS elemental and isotopic analysis, combining the 193 nm COMPex 파라오 슬롯, a high-performance polarized microscope, HD camera observation, and dual-volume sample cell.

193 nm pulses deliver smaller particles, high signal strength, and low intrinsic fract파라오 슬롯at파라오 슬롯. Applicat파라오 슬롯s include Isotope Ratios, Fluid Inclus파라오 슬롯 Research, Age Dating of Zircons, Marine Sediment Analysis, Multicollector ICP-MS, and Gemstone Fingerprinting.

파라오 슬롯 – Some Key Performance Metrics

Focus on what matters most – uncompromised solid sampling and data recording day after day. The rugged 파라오 슬롯 is virtually maintenance-free.


Product Specificat파라오 슬롯s



Spot Diameter on Sample (µm)

2 - 160 

Optical Resolut파라오 슬롯 (µm)


Max. Repetit파라오 슬롯 Rate (Hz)

20 (100 opt파라오 슬롯al)

X,Y Drive Min. Step Size (µm)


Z Focus Min. Step Size (µm)
