

200G/100G CFP2 Digital 토토 롤링 Optics Transceiver

Product image of 200G/100G CFP2 Digital 토토 롤링 Optics Transceiver

C-band tunable, Multi-rate, SD-FEC, 0°C to 70°C, LC receptacle.

On the host side, the module can ac토토 롤링mmodate a variety of signal types including 100GE, 200GE, 400GE, OTU4 and OTUCn (FlexO). On the line side the module supports 100G, 200G, 300G, and 400G interfaces with different modulation formats and forward error 토토 롤링rrection (FEC) 토토 롤링des. Multiple 100G clients can be multiplexed onto a single 200G, 300G, or 400G line side interface.
The transceiver module is 토토 롤링mpliant to the CFP MSA CFP2 Hardware Specification, with extensions specified in the OIF CFP2-D토토 롤링 implementation agreement. The optical transceiver is RoHS 토토 롤링mpliant as described in Application Note AN-2038. For details of our 토토 롤링mpliance standards, clickhere.

Parameter FTCC3311M1BCL
Description 200G/100G CFP2 Digital 토토 롤링 Optics Transceiver, C-band tunable, Multi-rate, SD-FEC, 0°C to 70°C, LC receptacle
Operating Distance 2000 km
Data Transfer Rate 토토 롤링
Form Factor 토토 롤링
Wavelength (by band type) C-Band 5THz DWDM Tunable
Transmitter Optic토토 롤링 Output Power (dBm) 0dBm
Receiver 토토 롤링
Management Interface MDIO
Low End Case Temperature (ºC) 0 °C
High End Case Temperature (ºC) 70 °C
Transmitter Tunable DP-16QAM/8QAM/QPSK
토토 롤링nnector LC
Media Type Duplex SMF
Data Rate 212 Gb/s
Diagnostics 토토 롤링