
100G MUX/DEMUX 바카라 전부

Handle from 4 up to 48 channels in a single Telcordia-compliant passive 바카라 전부 with standard and custom packaging options, including LGX, flat box, fiber tray, and rack mount.

Our Mux/Demux 바카라 전부 are configured for the standard 100G wavelengths grid, delivering high-temperature stability. That’s because these 바카라 전부 separate/combine the wavelengths by cascading a set of thin-film filter-based 3-port cylindrical devices.

100G MUX/DEMUX 바카라 전부

Use these simple, robust, and economical passive MUX/DEMUX 바카라 전부 for all types of 100G WDM applications. They are ideal for telecom and CATV networks.

Key Features

  • 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, 32-, 40-, and 48-channel configurations

  • Low insertion loss

  • Excellent channel isolation

  • Epoxy-free optical path

  • Telcordia compliant

  • RoHS 6 compliant