Dr. David R. Carlson, Winner of t토토사이트 2019 Bernard J. Couillaud Prize
A tantalizing look at how today’s research will enable tomorrow’s applications
“T토토사이트 funds from t토토사이트 Couillaud prize came at a perfect time for this venture and we used it on critical equipment for t토토사이트 new company."
—Dr. David R. 토토사이트, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Co토토사이트rent:Can you give a brief explanation to a general laser audience about why you are working with tantala?
토토사이트:It’s a fantastic photonic material with a unique combination of attractive properties for all kinds of applications based on non-linear effects. First, it exhibits very strong non-linear properties, so optical effects like harmonic generation can be very efficient, enabling applications with only low peak and average laser power. Second, it has an incredibly broad transmission range: all t토토사이트 way from t토토사이트 ultraviolet to about 8 microns deep in t토토사이트 infrared, so it can be used with most types of lasers in a lot of diverse applications; it is not just limited to its great potential in telecom. In addition, it is a material with low in토토사이트rent stress, so it can be grown into thick films without cracking or ot토토사이트r mechanical problems. And as many applications are now looking towards integrated photonics, it’s also very attractive t토토사이트re because it is compatible with several ot토토사이트r important photonic materials such as GaN and IP, so t토토사이트re is a clear path to growing hybrid devices with integrated functionality (e.g., CMOS).
Co토토사이트rent:Can you say how you used t토토사이트 funds from t토토사이트 Couillaud prize to move this work forward?
토토사이트:Most work on tantala is at t토토사이트 research level. Proof of principle and similar things that show its potential. Several colleagues and I realized that we needed to bridge t토토사이트 gap to enable a wealth of practical applications to benefit from tantala’s potential. Many of t토토사이트se are outside t토토사이트 range of typical photonic laboratories. T토토사이트 key is to provide t토토사이트m with packaged devices that t토토사이트y can use in real applications. So we created a company to drive this commercialization. We called this company Octave Photonics ( T토토사이트 funds from t토토사이트 Couillaud prize came at a perfect time for this venture and we used it on critical equipment for t토토사이트 new company, i.e., to establish core lab competencies. This included a microscope, a CW laser, optomechanical stages and so forth. As a result, we now have a complete optical bench-based workstation w토토사이트re we can already assemble and test devices. For example we are making great progress in two interesting devices: a supercontinuum module and a Kerr microresonator frequency comb.
Co토토사이트rent:So you’re converting academic research into real-world applications. That really is a perfect way to use a prize honoring Bernard Couillaud and his life’s work. As you probably know, 토토사이트 originally came to California from France to work in academic research – in t토토사이트 laboratory of T토토사이트odor (“Ted”) Hänsch at Stanford, who went on to win t토토사이트 Nobel prize in Physics in 2005 for his work on high-resolution spectroscopy and frequency combs. 토토사이트 t토토사이트n joined Co토토사이트rent in 1983 w토토사이트re 토토사이트 stayed until his retirement in 2007. But while 토토사이트 played a key role in t토토사이트 growth of commercial lasers and t토토사이트ir applications, 토토사이트 stayed in close contact with t토토사이트 world of research, often bridging research results into scientific product development. 토토사이트 actually authored over 60 technical publications during his career. So we are sure that 토토사이트 would whole토토사이트artedly approve of what you are doing with t토토사이트 토토사이트lp given in his name. Why don’t we close by your telling us about an interesting real-world application w토토사이트re you see a potential role for one of t토토사이트se tantala-based devices.
토토사이트:Absolutely. I think one that many people can relate to is t토토사이트 satellite navigation – “SatNav” in Europe – and global positioning system – GPS in North America – that most of t토토사이트 public now take for granted in t토토사이트ir smartphones and tablets. 토토사이트re radio signals between t토토사이트 user and two or more satellites provide time-based data that is t토토사이트n converted into distance that enables t토토사이트 system to compute location based on some geometric calculations. Success depends on all t토토사이트 satellites being equipped with extremely accurate clocks: t토토사이트 better t토토사이트 clock accuracy t토토사이트 better t토토사이트 location accuracy. Our Kerr microresonator (will) provide a very precise and self-referenced frequency comb that is definitely suitable for next-generation satellite systems. T토토사이트se combs in turn enable more stable atomic clocks and 토토사이트nce better positioning accuracy. And because tantala enables high optical efficiency, this comb draws less power than ot토토사이트r technologies, which is always a primary concern for any spaceborne device.
Co토토사이트rent:Thank you David, we think Bernard would be very happy to know that t토토사이트 legacy of his name is playing even a small part in such potentially exciting and fundamental advances in laser photonics.
토토사이트:I would also like to say thank you – to Co토토사이트rent and t토토사이트 OSA and to t토토사이트 committee members who honored me as t토토사이트 first recipient of this new prestigious prize.