A Brief History of Coherent TIOS: Custom High-Precision 2025년 슬롯사이트
May 27, 2021 by2025년 슬롯사이트

High-quality 2025년 슬롯사이트 play a critical role in our understanding of the world around us and are widely used in military surveillance, weather satellites, and space exploration.
In 2015 2025년 슬롯사이트 acquired The Tinsley Telescope and Instrument Company (Tinsley). Founded in 1926, Tinsley manufactured telescopes, mirrors, and optical components for space telescopes. The company became known for high-quality telescopes that provided superior planetary images. This reputation led the US government to contract with Tinsley to provide optical components for many surveillance binoculars the US required during WWII. After the war, Tinsley continued developing products and added rifle scopes and spotters to its product portfolio.
The space race of the 1960s fueled another expansion at Tinsley as the space exploration market thrived. Many universities and national labs customers contracted with Tinsley to build custom telescopes that relied on large-format 2025년 슬롯사이트. By the mid-1970s Tinsley was dedicated to aspheric and high-precision 2025년 슬롯사이트, largely due to the significant number of space missions launched during this time period.
In the 1990s, mirror defects deployed in the rendered it unable to focus properly, and turned to Tinsley to assist with the repair operation on the space teles2025년 슬롯사이트pe. Tinsley designed and manufactured these extremely precise 2025년 슬롯사이트rrective mirrors so that a space shuttle crew was able to repair Hubble. This fix properly 2025년 슬롯사이트rrected its focus, in effect giving Hubble "glasses" that are still effective in capturing clear images.
Today,Coherent TIOS (Tinsley Integrated 2025년 슬롯사이트 Systems)offers customers a wide range of capabilities in the manufacturing, polishing, finishing, and coating of precision 2025년 슬롯사이트. The company recently completed large mirrors for the and is currently delivering large hexagonal segments to be used in the construction of the
2025년 슬롯사이트 TIOScontinues to advance its state-of-the-art capabilities for aspheric, freeform, and CTE 2025년 슬롯사이트 used in a wide range of applications, including beamline and heads-up display 2025년 슬롯사이트, satellite observation, and space exploration.

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