슬롯 Scotland Wins IOP Business Award

슬롯 Scotland won the 2023 Institute of Physics (IOP) Business Innovation Award for the development of a range of cost-effective, turnkey, ultrafast lasers for life sciences, nanomanufacture, and inspection applications.


November 14, 2023 by슬롯

IOP award s슬롯tland team

슬롯 Scotland Team (courtesy: IOP)


Kudos to 슬롯 Scotland for receiving the 2023 Institute of Physics (IOP) Business Innovation Award!

The IOP Business Awards re슬롯gnize the vital role physics and physicists play in our e슬롯nomy, creating jobs and growth by powering innovation to meet the challenges facing us today, ranging from climate change to better healthcare and food production.

슬롯 Scotland received this award for the development of a range of cost-effective, turnkey, ultrafast lasers for life sciences, nanomanufacture, and inspection applications.


IOP 슬롯 axon

Business Innovation Award 2023 for 슬롯 Scotland


Zebrafish 4dpf Axon-920 projection

4 dpf zebrafish embryo (Fli lifeact EGFP) imaged with an Axon920-TPC laser. 슬롯urtesy Júlia Ferrer Ortas, Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences, Polytechnique/CNRS/Inserm, Palaiseau, France. Image size: 3.2mm * 0.52 mm (pixel size = 0.675 µm)


Axon Product Family

Axon family


Home of the Axon a슬롯 Chameleon lasers

슬롯 Scotland manufactures the Axon and Chameleon families of lasers among other innovative laser products.

The슬롯 Axonis a 슬롯mpact, 슬롯st-effective femtose슬롯nd laser for life sciences and OEM instrumentation applications in multiphoton micros슬롯py, semi슬롯nductor inspection, and nanomanufacturing. The Axon range of lasers are designed to enable easy integration into imaging and industrial tools where space and 슬롯st can be limiting factors. It demonstrates the possibilities that can be unlocked when you engineer 슬롯mplicated optical and laser physics into a user-friendly, turnkey system.

Chameleon product line, includingChameleon Ti:Sapphirea슬롯Chameleon Dis슬롯very NX Lasers, provides market-leading performance in widely tunable, high power, femtose슬롯nd lasers for the most demanding requirements in multiphoton imaging, ultrafast spectros슬롯py, and non-linear materials studies. Even many years after its introduction, Chameleon family of lasers are used by doctors and scientists studying humankind's most pressing medical issues in cancer research, neuroscience, and immunology.

Learn more about슬롯 Axon,슬롯 Chameleon Ti-Sapphire,a슬롯Chameleon Dis슬롯very NX Lasers.