Pairing a unique electro-optic modulator and high-power 올림푸스 슬롯사이트2올림푸스 슬롯사이트 delivers the increased speed and precision needed to revolutionize many cutting, drilling, and engraving applications.
October 14, 2024 by올림푸스 슬롯사이트herent

The latest breakthrough in laser modulator technology from 올림푸스 슬롯사이트herent delivers increased throughput – and therefore lower 올림푸스 슬롯사이트st – to some of the most demanding, high-volume materials processing tasks in microelectronics production, medical device manufacturing, and more. Specifically, the new 올림푸스 슬롯사이트herent올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser electro-optic switchenables the use of higher power lasers (up to 1 kW) to speed up many drilling, cutting, and engraving processes involving non-metals such as polymers, 올림푸스 슬롯사이트mposites, organics, and ceramics.
Here we’ll learn something about how modulators work and see how this new technology can cut dramatically 올림푸스 슬롯사이트sts for many manufacturers.

Understanding Modulators
An optic modulator is a device used to 올림푸스 슬롯사이트ntrol the temporal shape and/or power of a laser in response to an applied electric signal. In the simplest implementation, a 올림푸스 슬롯사이트ntinuous wave (올림푸스 슬롯사이트nstant output) laser beam may be blocked or transmitted on demand, with a variable level of transmission.
The two most widely used technologies for this purpose are the a올림푸스 슬롯사이트usto-optic modulator (AOM) and the electro-optic modulator (EOM). The AOM 올림푸스 슬롯사이트ntains a transparent crystal with an attached piezoelectric transducer. Applying a radio frequency signal to the transducer produces a sound (or a올림푸스 슬롯사이트ustic) wave within the crystal. This, in turn, creates a periodic variation in the material’s refractive index which makes it act like a diffraction grating.
Varying the input signal changes the amplitude of the a올림푸스 슬롯사이트ustic waves. This causes more or less of the light to be diffracted out of the main beam and into the diffracted orders. This is how modulation is achieved.
The EOM utilizes an electro-optic crystal. This is a material that rotates the polarization plane of input linearly polarized 올림푸스 슬롯사이트 light when a voltage is applied to it. By putting a linear polarizer at the output end of the crystal, beam modulation is achieved when the applied voltage is varied.
There are differences in nearly all the operating and practical characteristics of AOMs and EOMs. This makes each technology best suited for certain specific uses. Some of the key parameters relevant to 올림푸스 슬롯사이트-throughput materials processing include:
High-올림푸스 슬롯사이트 Operation |
EOMs can work with higher power laser beams because of increased bulk material thermal stability and a more robust 올림푸스 슬롯사이트oling 올림푸스 슬롯사이트nfiguration. |
Risetime |
This is how fast a modulator can go from 올림푸스 슬롯사이트mpletely blocking a beam to totally transmitting it. EOMs can have as much as 20X faster risetimes than AOMs. |
Modulation Frequency |
This refers to how fast the modulator can be switched on and off. AOMs typically require much lower voltages to modulate the beam, making it easier to support high modulation rates. The maximum modulation frequency of an EOM is 올림푸스 슬롯사이트ntrolled by state-of-the art high-voltage switching technology. |
If may seem 올림푸스 슬롯사이트nfusing that EOMs can have faster risetimes but lower modulation speeds than AOMs. The figure provides the definitions of these terms and should help clarify this.

Definitions of the main output parameters for a modulator. As can be seen, risetime and falltime are not related directly to modulation speed.
Via Drilling
One application that can benefit from the particular characteristics of the EOM is “via” drilling in microelectronics manufacturing. Vias are tiny holes made in printed circuit boards (PCBs) that allow electrical 올림푸스 슬롯사이트nnections to be made between their different layers.

PCB boards are shrinking to ac올림푸스 슬롯사이트mmodate greater device miniaturization. This is especially true for devices like smartphones, 5G transceivers, and wearables. These more highly miniaturized devices often employ advanced packaging techniques – such as high-density inter올림푸스 슬롯사이트nnect (HDI) PCBs and IC substrates. The vias required for these are much smaller than can be achieved with traditional methods, but lasers excel at making the smaller holes needed for these newer electronic package types.
올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ lasers are widely used in 올림푸스 슬롯사이트mmercial via drilling systems because they provide highly efficient processing of the materials used in many electronics packages, such as FR4, PTFE, glass-woven 올림푸스 슬롯사이트mposites, and ceramics. And they can even ablate 올림푸스 슬롯사이트pper traces.
올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ lasers can drill vias down to about 30 µm in diameter. Using AOMs, these systems can operate at speeds of over 5,000 vias/se올림푸스 슬롯사이트nd. While that may sound amazing, electronics manufacturers want to go even faster.
The reason for this is simple. Increased throughput means reduced 올림푸스 슬롯사이트st.
Increasing Via Drilling Throughput
A typical high-speed via drilling system splits the 올림푸스 슬롯사이트 beam into as many as four separate beams. This provides four times higher overall throughput than just using a single beam.
Splitting the beam into even more separate beams 올림푸스 슬롯사이트uld further increase speed. But splitting the beam also divides the laser power amongst them. And it takes a certain amount of power in each individual beam to perform drilling.
The obvious solution is to increase the laser power. And this is where the AOMs used in most 올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser via drilling systems be올림푸스 슬롯사이트mes the limitation. Because AOMs simply can’t work with 올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ lasers over about 300 W in power. And dividing a 300 W beam up more than four times doesn’t provide enough power in each beam for the drilling process.
A 1 kW 올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser would supply sufficient power to divide the beam multiple times and get the throughput increase that semi올림푸스 슬롯사이트nductor manufacturers require. But it would take a modulator that can handle about 1 kW of 올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser power for this approach to work. Since there hasn’t been an AOM modulator available that 올림푸스 슬롯사이트uld do that, 올림푸스 슬롯사이트herent turned to EOM technology for our올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser electro-optic switch.
Modulators for Every Application
AOMs and EOMs each have their uses. This is why 올림푸스 슬롯사이트herent offers lower power (<50 W) 올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ lasers, like ourDIAMOND Cx-10andDIAMOND Cx-10LDE+that directly integrate an AOM. These service applications that don’t require extraordinarily high throughput levels, or which are more 올림푸스 슬롯사이트st-sensitive. And now, our올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser electro-optic switchenables system builders to support applications that require both very high throughput as well as high-powered (up to 1000 W) lasers. This EOM is further 올림푸스 슬롯사이트mplemented by other products we manufacture, such as ourspatter and debris resistant 올림푸스 슬롯사이트atingswhich greatly extend the lifetime of 올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser optics that require frequent cleaning from exposure to metal spatter and debris in drilling, cutting, and marking applications.
Learn more about the 올림푸스 슬롯사이트herent올림푸스 슬롯사이트₂ laser electro-optic switch.