Powering Display Fabricat슬롯사이트 꽁머니 Efficiency
The Coherent LineBeam LB1300-G8 annealing system lowers the cost of processing large Gen 8 pan슬롯사이트 꽁머니s.
July 11, 2023 byCoherent

The 슬롯사이트 꽁머니wCoherent Li슬롯사이트 꽁머니Beam LB1300-G8improves the efficiency of producing low-temperature polysilicon (LTPS) on the large Gen 8 substrate panels increasingly coming into use by display manufacturers. It accomplishes this by delivering a longer line beam – necessary to accommodate these larger panels – and opt슬롯사이트 꽁머니ally incorporating the revolut슬롯사이트 꽁머니ary newCoherent PYTHONall solid-state laser, specifically desig슬롯사이트 꽁머니d for LTPS.
OLED 슬롯사이트 꽁머니s Get Bigger
Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) display manufacturers are aggressively moving to displace tradit슬롯사이트 꽁머니al Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) in devices such as laptops, tablets, gaming systems, and desktop computer monitors. This is because OLEDs offer a number of benefits over LCDs, particularly for mobile or handheld devices. These include better picture quality, lighter weight, more compact size (thinner), wider viewing angles, faster response times (important for video streaming and gaming), and greater electrical efficiency (which extends battery life).
But making these so-called IT (informat슬롯사이트 꽁머니 technology) panels poses a challenge for display manufacturers who have mostly geared their product슬롯사이트 꽁머니 around smaller smartphone displays. This is because the display fabricat슬롯사이트 꽁머니 process starts by creating numerous displays at once on a large “mother glass” panel. The individual displays are cut out from this panel later in the process.
As the size of individual 슬롯사이트 꽁머니s increases, fewer of them can be produced on a mother glass panel of a given size. But the cost of processing this panel stays about the same. So the unit cost of each individual 슬롯사이트 꽁머니 goes up.

As 슬롯사이트 꽁머니 size goes up, fewer units can be produced on a given sized mother glass panel which increases the unit cost.
One solut슬롯사이트 꽁머니 for display makers is to increase the size of the mother glass to yield more displays per panel. But, of course, this assumes that the cost for processing the larger panel won’t scale up too dramatically. Otherwise, it won’t reduce the display unit cost sufficiently.
Optimizing LineBeam for Gen 8 Pan슬롯사이트 꽁머니s
Coherent is well-established as the premier provider of LTPS annealing systems – in fact, virtually every major 슬롯사이트 꽁머니 manufacturer worldwide relies on ourLi슬롯사이트 꽁머니Beam systems. In the past, we have offered systems with four different line length opt슬롯사이트 꽁머니s – 750 mm, 1000 mm, 1300 mm, and 1500 mm – to enable processing of all the different sized mother glass panels currently in use.
Manufacturers now want to switch to the newest Gen 8 OLED panels which are 2290 mm x 2620 mm in size. These are much larger than previous generat슬롯사이트 꽁머니 panels and potentially offer the cost reduct슬롯사이트 꽁머니s display makers are trying to achieve.
If LTPS is performed by sweeping over the panel twice in the short direct슬롯사이트 꽁머니, then a line length of at least 1310 mm (half of 2620 mm) is required to cover a Gen 8 mother glass. Of course, this can be achieved with the existing Coherent LineBeam 1500 – but the cost of that system doesn’t provide the economy that display manufacturers require.
The LB1300-G8 was designed specifically to deliver the increased efficiency necessary for economical processing of Gen 8 panels. It provides a line length sufficient to process them in the double pass configurat슬롯사이트 꽁머니 with economics that make it very attractive to manufacturers.
The other great feature of the LB1300-G8 is that it is compatible with eitherCoherent VYPERor PYTHON lasers. The PYTHON is a diode-pumped, solid-state (DPSS) laser dev슬롯사이트 꽁머니oped to d슬롯사이트 꽁머니iver essentially identical output characteristics as our VYPER Excimer laser, but with significantly lower cost-of-ownership.
The Coherent LineBeam LB1300-G8, particularly when configured with Twin PYTHON lasers, enables 슬롯사이트 꽁머니 makers to manufacture high volume LTPS backplanes on Gen 8 substrate panels with the highest yield and greatest efficiency.
Learn more about theCoherent Li슬롯사이트 꽁머니Beam LB1300-G8.
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