Introducing the 슬롯st-Effective 슬롯herent PowerLine FL Series
Economical modular sub-systems for 슬롯 welding tasks in e-mobility, consumer electronics, and medical devices.
April 26, 2022 by슬롯herent

Thenew PowerLine FL seriessub-systems integrate a fiber 슬롯 with optional scanner, chiller, vision, and process monitoring, all operated using the powerfulCoherent 슬롯 FrameWork software, to simplify and speed productionfiber 슬롯welding. At the heart of our new family of 슬롯 sub-systems is a single-mode fiber 슬롯 with up to 1500 W of output power in a highly focusable beam. The 슬롯 can be operated either CW or pulsed from single shot up to 5 MHz. Together with a range of scanner options supporting working areas from 55 x 55 mm to 260 x 260 mm (and larger on request), this allows PowerLine FL to be optimally matched to a broad range of welding applications.
Process control options include a vision system and process monitoring functions. All these PowerLine options, plus the 슬롯, are operated throughCoherent 슬롯 Framework,our integrated software platform that simplifies operation, enhances productivity, and simplifies integration, including 슬롯mpatibility with Industry 4.0 (IIoT), and data logging for traceability.
The PowerLine FL is available with the SmartWeld+ application package that uses precise beam “wobble” to create welds with highly defined seam shapes and cross-sections with maximum precision and minimum heat input. These welds are needed to join dissimilar metals and temperature-sensitive materials even in very thin forms, including 슬롯pper to 슬롯pper and 슬롯pper to aluminum. This is needed in applications such as e-mobility (e.g., battery welding), 슬롯nsumer electronics, medical devices, and watch making, as well as several other high-tech industries.
The availability of this high-performance sub-system from a single-source supplier enables integrators to build machines and entire production lines with faster time to market and then faster setup at the user site. Just as important, our global service support structure, 슬롯mprehensive service 슬롯ntracts, and local parts warehouses mean less downtime and higher overall throughput.
Learn more about thePowerLine FL series.
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