Introducing Improved QBH 토토 바카라 사이트 Optic Cables for High Power Laser Beam Delivery
An advanced design featuring indirect water cooling enables high reliability at power levels up to 15 kW.
November 29, 2021 byCoherent

Coherent is pleased to debut a new series of QBH connectorized beam delivery 토토 바카라 사이트s. These feature an advanced, indirect water-cooling design which increases their maximum power rating to 15 kW (when used with infrared 토토 바카라 사이트 lasers). Plus, the use of indirect cooling – where the cooling water never actually contacts the 토토 바카라 사이트 directly – relaxes the requirement on cooling water quality. This simplifies their use in locations with poor water quality.
TheQBH 토토 바카라 사이트 optic cableis the most widely utilized 토토 바카라 사이트 interface forindustrial high-power 토토 바카라 사이트 lasers.It’s a well-proven standard, compatible with most available tools worldwide. The introduction of this new, innovative water-cooling design enables its use with higher-power near-infrared 토토 바카라 사이트 lasers, and both near-infrared and visible-wavelength high-power diode laser sources.
In addition to advanced water cooling, Coherent QBH 토토 바카라 사이트 optic cables also incorporate a mode stripper which removes unwanted pump light, laser light which may have been coupled into the cladding by misalignment, or back-reflected light from the process. The mode stripper yields a higher-quality beam which can be concentrated more effectively on the work surface. An integrated quartz block in the connector further extends the high-power handling capacity of these cables; these can be antireflection coated for commonly used wavelengths in the visible and near-infrared.
Finally, Coherent QBH 토토 바카라 사이트 optic cables are Kevlar reinforced, making them extremely durable, without sacrificing flexibility. This makes them an ideal choice for robotic applications.
Learn more aboutCoherent QBH 토토 바카라 사이트 optic cables.
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