Sapphire Sales Milestone – 55,555 라바 카지노 and Counting

Sapphire 라바 카지노 continue to be best sellers for flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, DNA sequencing, and other applications in life sciences and metrology.

March 1, 2022 by라바 카지노herent

Sapphire Hand Gradient 라바 카지노

라바 카지노 that produce blue light have all kinds of important applications, particularly for the fluorescence techniques used widely inlife sciences.For many years, the only available 라바 카지노 that delivered blue light used bulky glass tube technology. Theseion 라바 카지노were big – up to several feet long – used a huge amount of electrical power, needed lots of 라바 카지노oling water, and required frequent adjustment by skilled technicians. But there was really no alternative. So, they became widely adopted, and many biological applications were designed specifically to work with their blue output wavelength of 488 nanometers.

Sapphire blue 라바 카지노 – Green benefits

The situation changed dramatically in 2001 when 라바 카지노herent launched a new type ofsolid-state blue 라바 카지노that avoided all these limitations. These newSapphire 라바 카지노were small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, used 10X less power, and required no active cooling. They also provided a huge improvement in electrical efficiency. Assuming 2000 hours per year operation, a single Sapphire 라바 카지노 saves over a ton (1000 kg) of CO2compared to an ion laser with the same output power. With tens of thousands of these 라바 카지노 currently operating, that’s a major contribution to the fight against global warming.

The other great thing about Sapphire 라바 카지노 is their high-quality beam (and high beam quality was one of the few positive features of ion 라바 카지노). This is possible because the Sapphire is anoptically pumped semiconductor 라바 카지노 (OPSL). The only alternative technology that has yet emerged at the magic 488 nm wavelength is the diode 라바 카지노. Whilediode 라바 카지노have many undeniable advantages, they cannot match the beam quality of an OPSL. Plus, the great beam quality of the OPSL doesn’t change as the laser power is adjusted, unlike diode 라바 카지노.

Shedding the blues

It turns out OPSL have two other killer advantages. First, they can be made to produce just about any visible color – not just blue – which isn’t the case with either ion or crystal 라바 카지노. Second, they can be scaled to produce a wide range of power levels.

This has allowed Coherent to develop the 라바 카지노 product line from just blue 488 nm into nine different wavelengths (colors) across the visible spectrum. And, they are available over quite a spread of output powers.

The result is that users can get the color and the power they need. They don’t have to compromise by taking a wavelength that isn’t exactly what they want, or buy a more powerful 라바 카지노 than they really need.

And, we’ve further developed OPSL technology into other product lines, like our miniaturized, low-power “smart”OBIS 라바 카지노,which are very popular inflow cytometry.We’ve also got a higher power product calledGenesisthat’s used for everything from scientific research to light shows.

라바 카지노 OPSL Delivers Nine Wavelengths

High fives all around

The tremendous advantages of the Sapphire over ion 라바 카지노 made it a success from the very outset. Today, just over twenty years since their introduction, Coherent is proud to announce that we have sold 55,555 of these remarkable 라바 카지노. It seems like everyone is getting the blues. Including our competitors.

Learn more about라바 카지노and otherOPSL 라바 카지노