Introducing the Next-generation Green 카지노 양상수 - Verdi C
This compact, multi-watt, CW, green 카지노 양상수, streamlines applications like Ti:S pumping, semiconductor inspection, and annealing.
January 14, 2022 byCoherent

Scien카지노 양상수sts and OEMs will all benefit from the space-saving format of the new카지노 양상수 C seriesof multi-watt, CW green (532 nm) 카지노 양상수s. That’s because this newest addition to thepopular 카지노 양상수 familynow features complete integration – where the 카지노 양상수 head, the power supply, control electronics, and the water-cooled baseplate are all incorporated into a single, compact package. With an initial choice of 12, 15, and 18 W outputs, these new 카지노 양상수s offer both convenience and performance for laboratory and industrial applications.
More than just a small package
Verdi C 카지노 양상수s all make use of our proven,optically pumped semiconductor 카지노 양상수 (OPSL) technology.This delivers several performance benefits, including:
- Intrinsically very low noise because of the very short upper-state life카지노 양상수me of the gain medium
- Wide (10-100%) power tunability thanks to minimal thermal lensing in the gain medium
- Excellent stability because of the inherent robustness of Coherent’s OPSL design
New standards of reliability and longevity
The integrated platform and updated components in Verdi C 카지노 양상수s also bring you new standards in ease of use, reliability, and longevity. The one-box design eliminates the 카지노 양상수 umbilical, puts the power supply right next to the pump diodes, and includes improvements at the component level. Together, that makes these 카지노 양상수s the most reliable and long-lived Verdi's ever.
Innova카지노 양상수ve performance for demanding applica카지노 양상수ons
Green continuous-wave 카지노 양상수s have long been workhorse tools in several applications. Coherent is proud of our innovation and leadership in these 카지노 양상수s, spanning multiple technologies over many decades, including first ion 카지노 양상수s, then high-performance DPSS 카지노 양상수s, and most recently OPS 카지노 양상수s. And now with the Verdi C, we continue that tradition of leadership.
So whether you need a low-noise 카지노 양상수 for카지노 양상수:sapphire pumping or atom trapping and cooling,or you’re an OEM performing semiconductor inspec카지노 양상수on or annealing,카지노 양상수 Cis now the best choice for your applica카지노 양상수on. It delivers the biggest performance in the smallest package, enabling excep카지노 양상수onal ease of use and superior results.
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