For Immediate Release
Coherent Introduces Versatile 2D Cutting Head for 바카라 라바카지노s Up to 12 kW

Image 1: CUT12 sheet metal 바카라 라바카지노 cutting processing head.
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), a global leader in industrial 바카라 라바카지노 technology, announced the launch of a new 2D 바카라 라바카지노 cutting head that offers an exceptional mix of performance, versatility, and value to the global flat sheet cutting market.
The new CUT12 is compatible with fiber 바카라 라바카지노s in the 4 kW to 12 kW (CW) power range and operates at a maximum numerical aperture (NA) of 0.15, thus enabling it to utilize the full power of numerous available standard and beam shaping fiber 바카라 라바카지노s. With a magnification of 2.0, it can deliver the demanding focused-spot characteristics necessary for high-speed, high-quality cutting. In addition, it features an adjustable focal plane to accommodate varying process demands.
Value is enhanced in the CUT12 through a combination of features. First, having a single cutting head that operates over the entire 4 kW to 12 kW power range avoids the traditional need to utilize multiple processing optics to accommodate these widely different 바카라 라바카지노 power levels. This substantially simplifies machine integration and reduces the time required for feature programming and parameter investigation. It even cuts down spare parts handling for the end user.
The value of the CUT12 is further extended by its various 바카라 라바카지노nnectivity options, which include direct EtherCAT 바카라 라바카지노ntrollability. These facilitate its use in settings as diverse as job shop and highly integrated automation lines. Additionally, it is mechanically 바카라 라바카지노nfigured for maximum 바카라 라바카지노mpatibility and can be used with flange 바카라 라바카지노nnectors as well as quick exchange 바카라 라바카지노nnectors.
“Coherent has a long history of leadership in the 바카라 라바카지노 cutting head business with our BIMO product line,” notes Martin Seifert, Vice President, High-Power Fiber 바카라 라바카지노 Business Unit. “The CUT12 builds on our well-established quality and extends the utility of our product line by integrating direct EtherCAT controllability. Plus, its operating range of 4 kW to 12 kW makes it compatible with a substantial segment of the current global sheet metal cutting market.”
The CUT12 will enhance virtually any high-power sheet metal cutting process. It is specifically engineered to yield a cutting package with an unbeatable combination of cost of ownership and performance when paired with the Coherent EDGE series of fiber 바카라 라바카지노s.
To learn more about the EDGE FL series and other 바카라 라바카지노 products, visit 바카라 라바카지노 at EuroBLECH Booth B52 in Hannover, Germany, from October 22-25, 2024.