For Immediate Release
꽁 머니 카지노 Introduces 30 kW Laser Cutting Heads

PITTSBURGH, Oct. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – 꽁 머니 카지노 Corp. (Nasdaq: COHR), a leader in advanced laser processing solutions, today announced that it introduced its next-generation flat sheet cutting laser head series with ultrahigh-power ratings reaching 30 kW.
Industrial lasers with output power reaching into the tens of kilowatts are enabling faster cutting of thick sheet metal and driving the demand for cutting heads that match the evolving requirements. 꽁 머니 카지노 has released its next-generationBIMO-FSC3 꽁 머니 카지노 headswith three product variations, each optimized for one of the following applications: ultrahigh 꽁 머니 카지노 power delivery of up to 30 kW, efficient ring-mode 꽁 머니 카지노 beam management, and reliable operation in harsh environments.
“The new BIMO-FSC3 cutting head series is based on a field-proven design that we have systematically enhanced over decades to 꽁 머니 카지노ntinue to enable the growing and evolving sheet-metal cutting industry,” said Dr. Karlheinz Gulden, Senior Vice President, Laser 꽁 머니 카지노mponents and Subsystems Business Unit. “That cumulative experience is behind the product’s unique and unmatched 꽁 머니 카지노mbination of performance, reliability, serviceability, and user-friendly operation.”
The BIMO-FSC3-Z-HP handles up to 30 kW of laser power and features height-sensing capabilities and a large depth of focus, which 꽁 머니 카지노mbined achieve high cutting speeds while maintaining high quality and 꽁 머니 카지노nsistency of cutting across very large sheets of metal. The BIMO-FSC3-L handles up to 20 kW of laser power and features a large numerical aperture that is ideal for ring-shaped laser beams and their associated applications. The BIMO-FSC3-Z handles up to 12 kW of laser power and is IP-65 certified to withstand the harshest environments.
꽁 머니 카지노 will exhibit at EuroBLECH 2022 in Hanover, Germany, Oct. 25-28, stand 11-A141. At the trade show, 꽁 머니 카지노 will showcase the most recent additions to its broad portfolio of differentiated solutions for materials processing.