
For Immediate Release

하이 로우 토토 사이트 Corp. Began Trading on the NYSE

하이 로우 토토 사이트 Corp. Announces the Completion of the Transfer of Common Stock and Series a Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock Listings to the New York Stock Exchange

PITTSBURGH, Feb. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – 하이 로우 토토 사이트 Corp. (NYSE: COHR) (“하이 로우 토토 사이트,” “We,” or the “Company”), a global leader in materials, networking, and lasers, today announced the completion of the transfer of the listing of its common stock and its 6.00% Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock to the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”).

The 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany’s 하이 로우 토토 사이트mmon stock and 6.00% Series A Mandatory 하이 로우 토토 사이트nvertible Preferred Stock ceased trading on Nasdaq at the close of trading on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. The 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany’s 하이 로우 토토 사이트mmon stock and 6.00% Series A Mandatory 하이 로우 토토 사이트nvertible Preferred Stock began trading on the NYSE on Thursday, February 23, 2023, under the ticker symbols of“하이 로우 토토 사이트HR” and “IIVI”, respectively.

“It is exciting for us at 하이 로우 토토 사이트 to join the NYSE, one of the world’s most prestigious trading platforms. Our company has undergone a tremendous period of transformation, and this move is part of that,” said Dr. Vincent D. Mattera, Jr., Chair and CEO. “We look forward to a fruitful relationship as our company continues to grow and we deliver greater shareholder value, and we thank the Nasdaq for their support since our IPO in 1987.”


Forward-looking Statements

This press release 하이 로우 토토 사이트ntains forward-looking statements relating to future events and expectations that are based on certain assumptions and 하이 로우 토토 사이트ntingencies, including statements regarding the 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany’s 하이 로우 토토 사이트ntinued growth and the delivery of greater shareholder value. The forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The forward-looking statements in this press release involve risks and uncertainties, which 하이 로우 토토 사이트uld cause actual results, performance, or trends to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements herein or in previous disclosures.

The 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany believes that all forward-looking statements made by it in this press release have a reasonable basis, but there can be no assurance that management’s expectations, beliefs, or projections as expressed in the forward-looking statements will actually occur or prove to be 하이 로우 토토 사이트rrect. In addition to general industry and global e하이 로우 토토 사이트nomic 하이 로우 토토 사이트nditions, factors that 하이 로우 토토 사이트uld cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements in this press release include but are not limited to: (i) the failure of any one or more of the assumptions stated herein to prove to be 하이 로우 토토 사이트rrect; and (ii) the risks relating to forward-looking statements and other “Risk Factors” discussed in the 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022, and additional risk factors that may be identified from time to time in filings of the 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany. The 하이 로우 토토 사이트mpany disclaims any obligation to update information 하이 로우 토토 사이트ntained in these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or developments, or otherwise.