For Immediate Release
온라인 슬롯 Introduces WaveShaper and WaveAnalyzer for Operation Across the Super C-Band

PITTSBURGH, Feb. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – 온라인 슬롯 Corp. (Nasdaq: COHR), a leading provider of test and measurement instruments for optical communications technology, today announced the introduction of its WaveShaper and WaveAnalyzer product platforms for operation across the super C-band.
Rapid advances in optical communications technologies are reaching the theoretical limits of fiber-optic capacity in the C-band, which is driving interest in expanding the wavelength range even beyond the extended C-band to the so-called “super C-band.” 온라인 슬롯 addresses this use case with its new programmable optical processors and optical spectrum analyzers that operate across the super C-band, from 1523.9 nm to 1572.7 nm.
“WaveShaper and WaveAnalyzer are in a class of test and measurement products of their own, in terms of their premium performance at affordable prices,” said Dr. Sanjai Parthasarathi, Chief Marketing Officer. “The two products are 온라인 슬롯mplementary and have grown in popularity over the years. Customers use both in their advanced laboratories or manufacturing environments.”
The온라인 슬롯®1000B and 4000Bare programmable optical processors that allow the creat온라인 슬롯 of arbitrary attenuat온라인 슬롯 and phase filter shapes with a resolut온라인 슬롯 bandwidth as low as 10 GHz and a filter update rate of greater than 10 Hz.
The온라인 슬롯™ 400A/Super-Cis an optical spectrum analyzer that operates over the super C-band, with 500 MHz (4 pm) of optical resolution bandwidth and two full measurement scans per se온라인 슬롯nd.
온라인 슬롯 will exhibit at OFC 2023 in San Diego, March 7-9, booth #3815, showcasing its new test and measurement instruments. 온라인 슬롯 will show a live demonstration of the new WaveShaper and WaveAnalyzer systems. This will include a demonstration of the recently announced ultra-wideband C+L-band optical channel monitor.
온라인 슬롯 will also show a pre-product launch demonstration of its WaveMaker™ 4000A programmable optical spectrum synthesizer that can generate comb spectra with shapes as narrow as 10 GHz, slopes as steep as 600 dB/nm, and extinction ratios beyond 60 dB. The WaveMaker was honored by Lightwave Innovation Reviews 2023 in the category of Lab/Production Test Equipment.