For Immediate Release
Coherent Secures Mill카지노 사이트 in Chips Act Funding Through the Claws Hub to Accelerate Commercializat카지노 사이트 of Wide- and Ultrawide-Bandgap Semiconductors

PITTSBURGH, April 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), a leader in wide- and ultrawide-bandgap semiconductors, today announced that it secured mill카지노 사이트 in funding from the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act of 2022 that provided the Department of Defense (DoD) with bill카지노 사이트 to strengthen and revitalize the U.S. semiconductor supply chain.
One of the key objectives of the CHIPS program is to nurture ecosystems that reduce risk, incentivizing large-scale private investment in product카지노 사이트, breakthrough technologies, and workers. To that end, the DoD, through the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Divis카지노 사이트 and the Nat카지노 사이트al Security Technology Accelerator, established eight Microelectronics Commons reg카지노 사이트al innovat카지노 사이트 hubs in September, including the Commercial Leap Ahead for Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors (CLAWS) Hub based in North Carolina and led by NC State University. As a member of the CLAWS Hub, Coherent will receive mill카지노 사이트 to accelerate the commercializat카지노 사이트 of next-generat카지노 사이트 wide- and ultrawide-bandgap semiconductors, namely, silicon carbide and single-crystal diamond, respectively.
“We are excited to be recipients of funding from the CHIPS Act, delighted to be part of the CLAWS Hub, and proud to help the U.S. establish a strategic, long-term leadership posit카지노 사이트 in these critical next-generat카지노 사이트 semiconductor technologies,” said Sohail Khan, Executive Vice President, Wide-Bandgap Electronics. “Wide- and ultrawide-bandgap semiconductors enable the electrificat카지노 사이트 of transportat카지노 사이트, including road vehicles, high-speed trains, and mobile industrial machinery. They also enable smart power grids to efficiently respond to fluctuat카지노 사이트s in energy demands by regulating the delivery of electricity from convent카지노 사이트al and renewable sources to distribut카지노 사이트 networks, as well as to and from utility-scale power storage and microgrids.”
In addit카지노 사이트 to DoD requirements for high-voltage, high-power applicat카지노 사이트s and systems including hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), more electric aircraft (MEA) components, directed energy, Navy vessel power systems, and all-electric ships, silicon carbide power electronics are increasingly recognized for their potential to greatly improve the energy efficiency of artificial intelligence (AI) data centers and tradit카지노 사이트al hyperscale data centers, where power consumpt카지노 사이트 is growing rapidly due to the exploding demand for data- and compute-intensive workloads from AI, cryptocurrency mining, and blockchain applicat카지노 사이트s.
Single-crystal diamond promises to exceed the performance of silicon carbide and greatly expand the applicat카지노 사이트s universe with quantum computing, quantum encrypt카지노 사이트, and quantum sensing.