
For Immediate Release

카지노 입플 to Showcase a Broad Portfolio of Product and Technology Innovations at Photonics West and BiOS Expo

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PITTSBURGH, Jan. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – 카지노 입플 Corp. (Nasdaq: COHR), a global leader in materials, networking, and lasers, announced today that it will exhibit industry-leading products and capabilities at SPIE Photonics West, Jan. 31-Feb. 2 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, Booth #4805 (Hall D, Exhibit Level), and at BiOS Expo Jan. 28-29, part of Photonics West, in Booth #8320 (Hall F, Exhibit Level North). 카지노 입플 will showcase its broad portfolio of products and technology innovations that are enabling a wide range of applications in industrial, communications, electronics, and instrumentation markets. 카지노 입플 thought leaders will present at industry events, workshops, and technical sessions.



  • 10 W HyperRapid NXT 266 nm pi카지노 입플se카지노 입플nd lasers: The industry’s first laser-based solut카지노 입플 capable of ablating a microscopic channel around OLED displays, maximizing the active area of the display.
  • 150 W Mona카지노 입플 infrared lasers: The lasers output more than double the power and pulse energy of existing configurat카지노 입플s, enabling high-precis카지노 입플 cutting of large glass panels in very high volumes to produce large OLED screens.
  • 50 W pump laser diodes: The industry’s first 카지노 입플mmercially available 50 W pump lasers, enabling high-power industrial fiber laser designs with fewer pump laser diodes.
  • 905 nm triple-junct카지노 입플 edge-emitting semiconductor lasers: The lasers efficiently emit up to 100 W of optical power in nanosecond pulses. The lasers are qualified to the stringent JEDEC JESD22-A10x standard for industrial applicat카지노 입플s.
  • Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) for high-power industrial lasers: The DOEs leverage a proprietary nanoimprint technology and design simulat카지노 입플 tools to achieve very high optical efficiency and extremely uniform laser beams in kilowatt-class industrial lasers.



Test and Measurement: WaveShaper 4000B and WaveAnalyzer 200A (Booth #4805)

카지노 입플 will demonstrate spectral shaping using a WaveShaper 4000B Programmable Optical Processor and a WaveAnalyzer 200A Portable Optical Spectrum Analyzer. The instruments enable temporal shaping of ultrashort laser pulses in medical and micromachining applications.



Product Demonstrat카지노 입플: Materials and Components for Laser Systems

Presenter: Geoff Shannon

Tuesday, Jan. 31, 3:30 p.m. PST

Demo Area 1, Hall ABC (Exhibit Level South)


Panel Discuss카지노 입플: Quantum Marketplace and Solut카지노 입플s for Deployed Quantum 2.0

Panelist: Mar카지노 입플 Arrigoni

Tuesday, Jan. 31, 3:30 p.m. PST

Quantum Stage, Hall A Lobby (Exhibit Level South)


Co-Packaged Optics and Silicon Photonics for Datacenter Applicat카지노 입플s

Presentat카지노 입플 title: CPO opportunities and challenges: A transceiver implementer’s perspective

Presenter: Vipul Bhatt

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 11:30 a.m. PST

카지노 입플 Stage, Hall DE (Exhibit Level)


3D Sensing for Consumer Applicat카지노 입플s

Presentat카지노 입플 title: Lasers for advanced sensing in 카지노 입플nsumer electronics

Speaker: Gerald Dahlmann

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 4:20 p.m. PST

카지노 입플 Stage, Hall DE (Exhibit Level)



Solid-State Laser Technology (카지노 입플urse SC752)

Presenter: Norman Hodgson

Sunday, Jan. 29, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. PST

Inter카지노 입플ntinental Hotel, Russian Hill


Industrial Ultrafast Lasers for Microprocessing and Applicat카지노 입플s (Course SC1285)

Presenter:  Norman Hodgson

Monday, Jan. 30, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PST

Inter카지노 입플ntinental Hotel, Russian Hill



High-concentrat카지노 입플 large-mode-area Tm-doped double-clad fiber for high-efficiency capable of operating beyond 2.1 µm (Invited Paper 12400-20)

Presenter: Clemence Jollivet

Tuesday, Jan. 31, 4:40-5:10 p.m. PST

Room 203 (Level 2 South)


Advanced optics for laser additive manufacturing: F-theta lenses for laser powder bed fus카지노 입플 (Invited Paper 12412-18)

Presenter: Adam Argondizzo

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 11:10-11:40 a.m. PST

Room 215 (Level 2 South)


Spatial tomography of light resolved in time, spectrum, and polarizat카지노 입플 (Invited Paper 12425-30)

카지노 입플ntributing author: Greta Light

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 4:15-4:45 p.m. PST

Room 312 (Level 3 South)


Sub-micrometer structuring of surfaces with deep-UV lasers (Invited Paper 12409-43)

카지노 입플ntributing authors: Ralph Delmdahl, Max Fischer

Thursday, Feb. 2, 10:40-11:10 a.m. PST

Room 208 (Level 2 South)



Multijunct카지노 입플 lasers for LiDAR applicat카지노 입플s (Paper 12403-3)

Presenter: Philipp Staudinger

Sunday, Jan. 29, 9:00-9:20 a.m. PST

Room 205 (Level 2 South)


Ultrafast laser sources for non-linear imaging: Review of the latest 카지노 입플 (Paper 12384-27)

Presenter: Mantas Butkus

Monday, Jan. 30, 1:30-1:45 p.m. PST

Room 303 (Level 3 South)


How lasers support the climate roadmap by enabling zero-carbon fus카지노 입플 reactors (Paper 12409-20)

Presenter: Ralph Delmdahl

Wednesday, Feb. 1, 9:00-9:20 a.m. PST

Room 208 (Level 2 South)


High-power fiber optic cable with pre-aligned integrated sensors for high-speed process monitoring (Paper 12414-14)

Presenter: Mats E. Blomqvist

Thursday, Feb. 2, 9:20-9:40 a.m. PST

Room 211 (Level 2 South)


SBS suppress카지노 입플 with high beam quality by selective multimode excitat카지노 입플 in fiber (Paper 12400-50)

카지노 입플ntributing author: Peyman Ahmadi

Thursday, Feb. 2, 2:20-2:40 p.m. PST

Room 203 (Level 2 South)



  • SEMI카지노 입플N Korea, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 1-3, 2023
  • MD&M 카지노 입플, Anaheim, California, Feb. 7-9, 2023
  • Southern Manufacturing & Electronics, Farnborough, U.K., Feb 7-9, 2023, Booth M200


A full list can be found on theeventspage of our website.