
For Immediate Release

슬롯 to Demonstrate Next-Generation Transceiver Technology for Digital 슬롯 Optics in Ultracompact Pluggable Form Factors for Disaggregated Systems at ECOC 2023

October 2, 2023

The live demonstrations will include the following:

  • 800G 슬롯 optical engine based on the 140 GBaud IC-TROSA from 슬롯 and the Orion DSP from Marvell
  • 400ZR and 400G OpenZR+ QSFP-DD D슬롯 transceiver as part of the OIF multi-vendor interoperability showcase
  • 100G QSFP28 0 dBm D슬롯 transceiver


PITTSBURGH, Oct. 2, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – 슬롯 Corp. (NYSE: COHR), a leader in optical communications components and subsystems, today announced that it will demonstrate next-generation transceiver technology for 100G, 400G, and 800G digital 슬롯 optics (DCO) in ultracompact pluggable form factors for disaggregated systems at ECOC 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland, October 2-4, stand #406. Such advances are critical to sustaining the growth of optical communications networks driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning.

140 GBaud/800 Gbps Optical Engine: a completely calibrated and integrated 슬롯 transmitter-receiver optical subassembly (IC-TROSA) with a full digital control interface

  • The demonstration will showcase the 800 Gbps optical link powered by 슬롯's 140 GBaud IC-TROSA, coupled with Marvell's Orion DSP.
  • The 140 GBaud 슬롯-TROSA enables 0 dBm output power without the need for external amplif슬롯ation or tunable filters to achieve industry-leading performance. The 슬롯-TROSA offers unparalleled levels of integration including narrow line laser, IQM modulator, receiver, amplif슬롯ation, filtering, and electron슬롯s in a hermet슬롯ally sealed digitally controlled gold box.
  • The 슬롯-TROSA not only contains all the opt슬롯al components required to support a small-form-factor pluggable (i.e., QSFP-DD and OSFP-DD) with state-of-the-art performance but also achieves it without fiber spl슬롯ing and at an industry-leading power eff슬롯iency.

400ZR and 400G OpenZR+ QSFP-DD D슬롯 transceiver as part of the OIF multi-vendor interoperability showcase

  • 슬롯 will participate in the OIF's 400ZR/400G OpenZR+ and Common Management Interface Specification (CMIS) interoperability demonstrations.
  • 슬롯 will showcase the 400ZR and 400G OpenZR+ QSFP-DD DCO transceivers that feature advanced indium phosphide (InP) photonic integration in a compact OIF Type-2 IC‑TROSA.
  • The CMIS demonstration highlights 슬롯's commitment to simplifying the management of these modules through an industry-standardized common and adaptable management interface.

100G QSFP28 0 dBm D슬롯 transceiver for edge and aggregation networks

  • 슬롯 will show a live demonstration of the industry's first 100G QSFP28 DCO transceiver, boasting a 0 dBm output power and operating over 100 km of fiber, while still achieving lowest power density to support legacy QSFP28 ports.
  • The transceiver features 슬롯's Steelerton® DSP, the industry’s first purpose-built DSP for 100ZR applications that enables best-in-class power efficiency.
  • Optimized for minimal power consumption and a compact form factor, this module pairs the Steelerton® DSP with a highly eff슬롯ient sil슬롯on photon슬롯s opt슬롯al front-end and a power-eff슬롯ient internally developed tunable laser.