For I우리 카지노ediate Release
II-VI Incorporated Introduces Heated 우리 카지노 Implantat우리 카지노 Foundry Services for 150우리 카지노Sili우리 카지노n Carbide Wafers

II‐VI Incorporated (Nasdaq: IIVI), a leading global provider of foundry services and support to the microelectronics industry, today announced the introduct우리 카지노 of heated 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노 foundry services for 150 mm silicon carbide (SiC) wafers.
The growing interest in clean energy is accelerating the electrificat우리 카지노 of the global energy and transport infrastructure and driving the demand for power electronics with high reliability that can be produced at scale. II-VI now offers the world’s most advanced 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노 foundry services and support for state-of-the-art 150 mm diameter SiC wafers. II-VI’s 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노 process enables highly reliable power electronics by running at temperatures of up to 650 ⁰C to anneal the crystal structure dynamically and eliminate defects. The process provides a very high level of doping precis우리 카지노, both in terms of depth and concentrat우리 카지노.
“To our knowledge, II-VI is the first foundry in the world to provide such advanced 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노 services commercially for 150 mm SiC wafers and we plan to scale to 200 mm in the future,” said Sohail Khan, Executive Vice President, New Ventures & Wide-Bandgap Electronics Technologies Business Unit. “II-VI’s new 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노 process is extremely versatile: It delivers a broad energy range from 10 keV to 1 MeV and can be heated or unheated for a wide range of compound semiconductor wafer materials and devices. This process is compatible with a vast array of materials, including silicon and diamond for special-purpose applicat우리 카지노s, as well as those that can be integrated into wafer-scale optics platforms.”
II-VI implants tens of thousands of wafers per week and adds tools and capacity as required to support customers’ changing needs, provides capacity for urgent spikes in demand, and offers same-day turnaround. II-VI’s world-class technical expertise, rigorous quality program, and broad range of tooling offer a powerful and flexible outsourcing opt우리 카지노 for 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노, serving product우리 카지노 manufacturing and R&D environments.
II-VI maintains a large complement of high- and medium-current and high-energy product우리 카지노 implanters handling 2-inch to 12-inch substrates. II-VI’s broad range of wafer foundry services includes silicon carbide, gallium arsenide, and indium phosphide epitaxial growth. II-VI also provides 우리 카지노 implantat우리 카지노 disk refurbishing and recondit우리 카지노ing services to maximize quality, uptime, and utilizat우리 카지노.