
For Immediate Release

II-VI Incorporated Introduces High-Efficiency Multifunctional Metalenses for Ultracompact 슬롯사이트사이트 Sensors


II‐VI Incorporated (Nasdaq: IIVI), a leading provider of wafer-level diffractive optics, today announced the introduction of high-efficiency multifunctional metalenses based on a II-VI proprietary platform that enables ultra-compact 슬롯사이트사이트 sensors for a broad set of applications, including in consumer electronics, automotive, life sciences, and industrial markets.

슬롯사이트사이트 sensors are increasingly embedded in diverse products such as smartphones, automotive vehicles, medical diagnostics, and laser processing heads, driving the demand for more efficient miniature 슬롯사이트사이트 subsystems that are compact, reliable, and manufacturable at scale. II-VI’s new metalenses are  (DOEs) that are flat and can achieve multiple 슬롯사이트사이트 functions with extremely high efficiency on a single surface for a broad range of wavelengths. In one implementation, II-VI’s metalens both collimates and splits the light from vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) into a highly uniform grid of thousands of infrared beams that are projected on the scene. 슬롯사이트사이트 sensors reference these grids to accurately construct the scene in three dimensions.

“The high reliability of our glass-based DOEs are field-proven, as part of our 슬롯사이트사이트 communications products that we have been shipping in volume for years,” said Dr. Sanjai Parthasarathi, Chief Marketing Officer, II-VI Incorporated. “Furthermore, our metalenses can be utilized with our VCSELs to enable differentiated ultra-compact 3D sensing cameras, spurring broader adoption in consumer electronics and automotive.”

슬롯사이트사이트’s broad portfolio of products for sensing includes infrared VCSEL chips, including multi-junction designs, from one to hundreds of emitters. 슬롯사이트사이트 VCSEL arrays are designed for low-cost non-hermetic packaging and can be reliably and cost-effectively scaled in total power by increasing the number of emitters per chip. 슬롯사이트사이트 VCSEL arrays are available as chips or integrated with DOEs in surface-mountable modules. 슬롯사이트사이트’s DOEs include lenses, micro-lens arrays, diffusers, and splitters. 슬롯사이트사이트 also offers thin-film filters that are used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of image sensor arrays.