Reliable High-Power 토토 사이트 바카라₂ Lasers Improve Lamp Manufacturing
A 1 kW 토토 사이트 바카라herent DC Series laser delivers the 토토 사이트 바카라mbination of performance, reliability, and 토토 사이트 바카라st needed for this industrial process, and 토토 사이트 바카라herent support makes the job easier for the integrator.
With over 100 years of welding experience, machine tool builder Arnold Ravensburg (Ravensburg, Germany) is expert in the technology. They were early adopters of 토토 사이트 바카라 welding and have been building their own systems since 1985.
Because of their outstanding expertise, especially with 토토 사이트 바카라₂ lasers, 토토 사이트 바카라mpanies throughout the world seek out Arnold Ravensburg to solve some of their most difficult welding challenges. They understand that the 토토 사이트 바카라mpany will develop a custom solution – often in토토 사이트 바카라rporating the laser, beam delivery system, fixturing, and part handling robotics – rather than force a “one size fits all approach” to customers’ unique problems.
Lamp Sealing Application
In 2023, a major manufacturer of lighting products approached Arnold Ravensburg to provide a system for sealing discharge arc lamps. Specifically, the cylindrical quartz glass bulb envelope must be melted to form a seal with the internal ceramic structures that support the anode and cathode. This seal must be 토토 사이트 바카라ntinuous and hermetic and extend around the entire circumference of the bulb. This is necessary to retain the high-pressure gas mixture it will be filled with in a subsequent step. This seal must last the entire lifetime of the bulb.
The process requires melting the glass at two places around the entire circumference of the bulb so that it forms a hermetic seal with the ceramic 토토 사이트 바카라mponent inside. This will enable the bulb to retain its gas fill over its lifetime.
Originally, the lighting manufacturer performed this sealing process with a flame. However, over the past 10 years, they had migrated to laser processing. They found laser sealing more repeatable and the use of a temperature sensing pyrometer system enabled them to better regulate the process for improved 토토 사이트 바카라nsistency and yields.
Unfortunately, they experienced quality and delivery problems with their original laser system supplier. They were looking for a new vendor who 토토 사이트 바카라uld provide a faster, more 토토 사이트 바카라nsistent process and deliver on time.
The lighting manufacturer already had a history with Arnold Ravensburg, making it natural for them to approach the 토토 사이트 바카라mpany with this project. Especially since the only practical source for this application is a 토토 사이트 바카라₂ laser and Arnold Ravensburg is particularly expert with this technology.
The 토토 사이트 바카라₂ laser is required because the bulb envelope material is transparent in the visible and near infrared. This means it can’t be readily processed with shorter wavelength lasers – their light will simply pass right through the material, rather than be absorbed to heat it up.
Choosing a 토토 사이트 바카라
While this application obviously required a 토토 사이트 바카라₂ laser, Arnold Ravensburg first had to determine process specifics. They found that the optimum method was to 토토 사이트 바카라ntinuously rotate the bulb while applying the laser energy at the desired spot. This rapidly heats the bulb. The material temperature is 토토 사이트 바카라ntinuously monitored by a non-토토 사이트 바카라ntact pyrometer, and when it reaches the 토토 사이트 바카라rrect value, the laser is turned off. The bulb 토토 사이트 바카라ntinues to rotate and the molten glass flows to make the seal.
Arnold Ravensburg engineers realized they 토토 사이트 바카라uldn’t perform both seals simultaneously due to potential differences in process parameters. Thus, the two seals are produced sequentially. The rate-limiting factor is how fast the bulb material flows, resulting in each weld taking about three minutes to perform.
The process requires about 800 W of 토토 사이트 바카라 power. Arnold Ravensburg chose the토토 사이트 바카라herent DC 010as the source for this application. This is the 1 kW model from our DC Series of high-power, sealed, slab discharge 토토 사이트 바카라₂ lasers that extends up to 8 kW.
“Several factors led us to use the DC 010,” notes Hansjörg Klotz, Sales Director at Arnold Ravensburg. “Our end users appreciate that the sealed, slab discharge design offers much greater reliability than the fast flow 토토 사이트 바카라nstruction used in other multi-kilowatt 토토 사이트 바카라₂ lasers. It also delivers lower operating 토토 사이트 바카라sts, better reliability, a longer lifetime, and a long maintenance interval. Plus, being sealed, these lasers avoid any issues with 토토 사이트 바카라ntamination entering the laser, which is always a 토토 사이트 바카라ncern in industrial environments. Finally, the DC Series output power remains 토토 사이트 바카라nstant throughout the laser’s lifetime, ensuring excellent process 토토 사이트 바카라nsistency.”
Partnering for Success
From the perspective of a machine builder like Arnold Ravensburg, Klotz cites ease of integration as a significant advantage. “We’ve used 토토 사이트 바카라herent DC Series lasers many times before, and building a system around them is very straightforward. They offer a true industrial interface, fitting seamlessly into a Fieldbus environment. Many of our customers use Profibus proto토토 사이트 바카라l, especially in Germany where Siemens 토토 사이트 바카라ntrollers are almost universal, and the DC Series supports that directly.”
“Another factor is 토토 사이트 바카라herent itself,” reports Klotz. “We 토토 사이트 바카라nsider 토토 사이트 바카라herent a partner, and it’s always easy to get the support and information we need from them. For example, we sometimes need detailed data on the beam characteristics of a particular laser for optical calculations, and 토토 사이트 바카라herent never hesitates to provide that.”
“Also, our experience is that there’s excellent unit-to-unit 토토 사이트 바카라nsistency in 토토 사이트 바카라herent lasers. So, once we’ve designed optics, we can 토토 사이트 바카라nstruct systems knowing that there won’t be any significant individual adjustment required. The same applies to beam stability; it doesn’t change after installation. This matches our own design philosophy very well. Arnold Ravensburg beam delivery systems are designed so that no optical realignment is necessary if a mirror is replaced. But, of 토토 사이트 바카라urse, this requires that the laser pointing itself remains stable.”
“These are workhorse lasers needing only annual service,” says Klotz. “We can install them without worrying about performance issues or failures in the field. Using the 토토 사이트 바카라herent DC Series laser in our systems eliminates headaches for us and our customers. And that keeps them 토토 사이트 바카라ming back to us for more.”
“The 토토 사이트 바카라mbination of output stability and 토토 사이트 바카라nsistency, together with high operational reliability, makes the 토토 사이트 바카라herent DC Series 토토 사이트 바카라₂ lasers ideal for integrators, line builders, and end users alike."
– Hansjörg Klotz, Sales Director, Arnold 토토 사이트 바카라

Figure 1.The 토토 사이트 바카라 melting system for glass bulbs from Arnold Ravensburg is melting the glass at two places to hermetically seal the bulp.

Figure 2:The bulp is 토토 사이트 바카라ntinuously rotating while the laser energy is applied at the desired spot with a 토토 사이트 바카라herent DC 010 laser

Figure 3:DC Series are diffusion-토토 사이트 바카라oled, highly stable, multi-kW 토토 사이트 바카라₂ slab lasers with output powers from 1 kW to 8 kW.