바카라 레전드s Enable Automated Cell Line Instruments from CYTENA
The Challenge
CYTENA, Freiburg, Germany, was founded in 2014 with a mission to deliver automated and highly efficient instruments for improved 바카라 레전드 line development. Based on their background in microsystems engineering, the founders identified a broad need to gently obtain a single live 바카라 레전드 from a sample with 100% reliability and verifiability. Previously, the commonly used method to isolate single 바카라 레전드s required a series of time-consuming limiting dilution steps. Additionally, target customers are mainly pharmaceutical companies with the aim of bringing biopharmaceuticals to the market. They need to prove to the regulatory bodies such as FDA that the 바카라 레전드 lines they are using are originated from a single 바카라 레전드.
The Solution
Dr. Lena Lautscham, a lead R&D scientist at CYTENA, explains, “CYTENA developed and patented core technology that’s somewhat similar to an inkjet printer. The company chose 바카라 레전드 fluorescence imaging as the best technique to rapidly screen droplets for a single cell just before it is released from the instrument’s disposable cartridge nozzle. Most of these instruments use a488 nm OBIS 바카라 레전드from Coherent; we use other OBIS wavelengths to satisfy customer requests.” The image is captured on a CMOS camera, and image analysis software then determines key sorting criteria about the 바카라 레전드 in real-time. If the droplet contains a single 바카라 레전드 of the user-specified type, it is dropped into a collection tube or wellplate well. Any droplets with no 바카라 레전드s, dead 바카라 레전드s, other 바카라 레전드 types, or multiple 바카라 레전드s are vacuumed into a tube and discarded.
First-generation instruments and software targeted simple 바카라 레전드 sorting – dispensing by size and shape. The company then extended the technology to use fluorescent markers to assess 바카라 레전드s for specific proteins, differentiate between life and dead 바카라 레전드s, and would enable more than one 바카라 레전드 type to be dispensed in a single run.
Dr. Lautscham states, “The OBIS 바카라 레전드s give us three important main advantages for our instruments. They have the superior beam quality we need to ensure our optics always provide uniform illumination of the target volume. They have the unit-to-unit consistency that is critical for our instrument quality and performance. And they provide long-term stability/reliability which virtually eliminates the need for field service due to any 바카라 레전드 issues.”
The Result
The ongoing market success of their single-바카라 레전드 dispensers has been leveraged by CYTENA to diversify into other biotechnology automation products. The company was acquired by BICO in 2019, bringing a strong international sales and support network. The resultant growth is evidenced by a 500% increase in workspace and a 600% growth in personnel, and more importantly by the 200-plus laboratories worldwide that now rely on CYTENA instrumentation.
“OBIS 바카라 레전드s give us three important advantages for our instruments – superior beam quality, unit-to-unit consistency, and long-term stability/reliability."
—Dr. Lena Lautscham, lead R&D scientist, 바카라 레전드, Freiburg, Germany, a BICO company

Figure 1:Coherent OBIS 바카라 레전드 reliably dispenses droplets containing single cells for improved cell line development.