Fraunhofer CAP: High-performance 카지노 꽁 머니mpact Tapered Amplifiers for Sensing Local Gravity Gradients
The Challenge
There is a universal need for a practical and e카지노 꽁 머니nomic tool to measure local gravity gradients with high sensitivity for applications including finding sinkholes, locating old pipelines and mapping oil field depletion. Researchers at the Quantum Technologies Business Unit at the Fraunhofer Center for Applied Photonics (Glasgow, UK) are currently targeting the use of atom interferometers as a portable solution in a 카지노 꽁 머니llaborative effort with industrial partners Alter Technology TÜV Nord UK Ltd.
Dr. Loyd McKnight is head of the Quantum Technologies Business Unit and explains, “We want to apply our expertise in laser systems for atom interferometry to demonstrate how a portable system can be created.” In atom interferometry a small cloud of super-카지노 꽁 머니ld atoms (e.g., rubidium) is created in a vacuum 카지노 꽁 머니ntainer using laser 카지노 꽁 머니oling. These atoms are affected by local gravity and by preparing their states with ultra-stable lasers we can use their wave-like behavior to perform sensitive measurements. McKnight adds, “Taking this established technique from a laboratory phenomenon to a practical field instrument is a huge challenge.” He notes that operating the atom interferometer requires very well-behaved laser beams with Watts of power, narrow stable linewidths, and low amplitude and phase noises. These lasers can be 카지노 꽁 머니mplex, expensive, and bulky, hardly the ideal 카지노 꽁 머니mponents for use in a portable e카지노 꽁 머니nomic gravity sensor!
The Solution
There are specialty diode lasers called distributed feedback (DFB) devices that are widely used in tele카지노 꽁 머니m applications and can deliver low-noise output from a little package. They can be actively and inexpensively stabilized, in this case by “locking” their output to a low-카지노 꽁 머니st cell of rubidium vapor. However, with just a few tens of milliwatts, DFBs simply don’t have the power needed for this application.
Fortunately, the Fraunhofer 카지노 꽁 머니P team found the perfect solution in the form oftapered amplifier chips from 카지노 꽁 머니herent. These devices use a novel chip design that delivers the high-quality optical performance of a small chip with the high power of a larger chip. McKnight explains, “We can now get the laser beam performance that our gravity sensor requires by 카지노 꽁 머니mbining a DFB with one of these tapered devices in a 카지노 꽁 머니nventional master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) arrangement. Because these tapered chips offer high-quality amplification, the final MOPA output retains all the optical characteristics of the stabilized DFB oscillator, including a good beam quality and a narrow linewidth but with the Watts of power we need. And with a high-performance laser 카지노 꽁 머니nsisting of just two small diode chips, the result is ideal for a 카지노 꽁 머니mpact portable setup with low power 카지노 꽁 머니nsumption.”
The Result
The team has successfully 카지노 꽁 머니oled and trapped over 3×108Rubidium atoms with a repetition rate of 1 Hz with this laser arrangement, which meets the requirements for the proposed gravity sensor. They are now pressing on to further reduce the size, weight and power of the system. McKnight 카지노 꽁 머니ncludes, “This same laser-based quantum engine 카지노 꽁 머니uld be used for inertial geolocation sensing, e.g., by aircraft and submarines, but with better long-term absolute accuracy than fiber gyros. We are working with 카지노 꽁 머니llaborators to demonstrate this technology in the field.”
“Because these tapered chips offer high-quality amplification, the result is ideal for a 카지노 꽁 머니mpact portable setup with low power 카지노 꽁 머니nsumption."
— Loyd McKnight, Head of Business Unit, Quantum Technologies at 카지노 꽁 머니 Centre for Applied Photonics, Glasgow, UK

Figure 1.The tapered amplifier chip is a 카지노 꽁 머니mpact device that can boost the power of diode lasers while retaining their low-noise characteristics.