Overcoming Output Power Barriers in Tm-Doped Fiber 카지노 꽁s Through Spectral Beam Combining

The Fraunhofer Institute for Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) stands at the forefront of cutting-edge research and innovation in the fields of photonics, precision mechanics, and optical technologies. Located in Jena, Germany, a historic hub for optical sciences, Fraunhofer IOF specializes in developing advanced solutions for industrial, scientific, and societal challenges. With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, the institute excels in creating custom optical systems, 카지노 꽁 technologies, and measurement solutions that set benchmarks in efficiency, precision, and scalability. As part of the renowned Fraunhofer Society, the IOF bridges the gap between academic research and industrial application, driving technological progress and fostering economic growth worldwide.

Friedrich Möller, a scientist in the 카지노 꽁 and Fiber Technology department at the institute, focuses on the scaling of high-power 카지노 꽁 systems. He, and his colleagues, have developed 카지노 꽁s based onThulium (Tm) doped 카지노 꽁sthat generally enable the emission of light in the 카지노 꽁 range of 1850-2100 nm, offering significant advantages for applications as diverse as medical procedures to polymer processing to free-space communication.


The Ch카지노 꽁lenge

Tm-doped fiber 카지노 꽁s offer significant advantages across a range of applications,  however, scaling the average output power of these 카지노 꽁s has remained a persistent challenge.

Tm-doped fiber 카지노 꽁s, typically pumped at 790 nm, generate substantial thermal loads during operation. This heat impairs the fiber's guiding properties, leading to transverse mode instability (TMI) and potential fiber damage. For nearly a decade, these issues have limited the output power of near-diffraction-limited Tm-doped fiber 카지노 꽁s to approximately 1 kW. Breaking through this power ceiling while maintaining beam quality and operational efficiency posed a critical challenge for advancing the technology.


The Solution

Addressing the power scaling limitations required innovative strategies to manage heat and novel high-performance combination optics, all designed to maintain excellent beam quality. The solution involved developing a dual-grating spectral beam combining (SBC) system capable of integrating the output of multiple high-performance Tm-doped 카지노 꽁 amplifiers.

The approach centered on three custom-designed kW-class Tm-doped 카지노 꽁 amplifiers, each operating at specific wavelengths optimized for high atmospheric transmission. These amplifiers incorporatedthe 카지노 꽁herent NuTDFLMA-TDF-25P/400-M 카지노 꽁s, designed for high-efficiency operation.

A dual-grating configuration for beam combining minimized the 카지노 꽁 bandwidth requirements to ensure nearly diffraction-limited beam quality. At the core of the SBC system were novel reflection gratings developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) in Jena, Germany. These gratings, designed for random input polarizations, achieved over 94% diffraction efficiency, enabling precise spectral beam combination with an overall combining efficiency of 90%.


The Result

The implementation of this advanced SBC system yielded breakthrough results:

• Record-breaking Output 카지노 꽁: The combined output 카지노 꽁 reached 1.91 kW, representing a significant milestone inTm-doped fiber 카지노 꽁 performance.

• High 카지노 꽁 Quality and Efficiency: Each amplifier delivered single-mode, TMI-free output powers exceeding 700 W, with amplification efficiencies of approximately 60% and spectral linewidths under 115 pm.

• Scalability: The dual-grating system demonstrated scalability potential beyond 20 kW of average output 카지노 꽁. Thermal performance metrics indicated a low thermal slope of 6.8 K/kW at the combining grating, underscoring its suitability for demanding high-카지노 꽁 applications.

This achievement establishes a clear path for further advancements in Tm-doped fiber 카지노 꽁 technology, unlocking opportunities for their deployment in next-generation medical, industrial, and defense systems requiring high power and exceptional beam quality.



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“Using the Coherent LMA-TDF-25P/400-M NuTDF line in three 카지노 꽁 engines, the implementation of our dual-grating SBC system resulted in a record-breaking combined output power of 1.91 kW with a scaling potential beyond 20 kW."

— Friedrich Möller (M. Sc.), Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF


카지노 꽁
카지노 꽁




High Contrast 카지노 꽁 Marking on Metals

Optical components for the guiding of three collimated 카지노 꽁 beams at 2 µm.

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