A Coherent high-power diode 카지노사이트 system has enabled 카지노사이트 Indonesia to become one of the first in their country to offer on-site cladding services.
Tommy Suriady loves 카지노사이트s. That’s why he started his 카지노사이트 job shop in Bandung, Indonesia, in 2014. Today, 카지노사이트 Indonesia has over 30 employees in two cities and offers 카지노사이트 cutting, welding, marking, and cladding services to businesses throughout Southeast Asia. They support customers in oil & gas, power, mining, construction, electronics manufacturing, machine tools, and more. And Suriady still believes in 카지노사이트s so strongly that he doesn’t offer any non-카지노사이트 processes (other than traditional welding methods that are combined with 카지노사이트s).
But 카지노사이트 Indonesia didn’t add 카지노사이트 cladding to their portfolio until 2022. In fact, before then the process was virtually unknown in Indonesia.
While Suriady had heard of 카지노사이트 cladding from Coherent many years before, his journey into 카지노사이트 cladding really began in 2019. That’s when Coherent, through our Malaysia/Singapore office, offered to integrate a cladding system for him. He needed this assistance since, despite his experience with a myriad of 카지노사이트 processing technologies, he lacked any detailed expertise in cladding. Also, the capital cost for a 카지노사이트 cladding system represented a significant expense and risk to a company the size of 카지노사이트 Indonesia. He wanted to make sure he got it right the first time.
Suriady already owned industrial 카지노사이트s from several of the major manufacturers in the world, so before accepting the offer he sought their guidance. He relates, “Many of these companies are not even into cladding yet, while some others wanted me to buy expensive systems with complicated zoom optics and lots of other options. They’re good 카지노사이트s, but at the time I wanted something fundamental. First of all, I couldn’t afford anything more. And second, there’s a big learning curve. I wanted a simple system that I could get running quickly and use to start generating some income. Plus, I needed a system robust enough to survive any mistakes we were going to make with it. Coherent was the only company who seemed to be capable and, most importantly, willing to put together a cladding 카지노사이트 that fit my budget and then provide the support I needed to bring it on-line.”
카지노사이트 Indonesia took delivery of aNovel Laser Coat메이저 바카라g Processin December, 2020. This is a compact, 4 kW, fiber-coupled diode 카지노사이트 system with integrated chiller. Coherent also equipped the 카지노사이트 with focusing optics that produce a 3 mm diameter beam on the work surface and a gas-delivered powder delivery head.
카지노사이트 Indonesia spent virtually all the next year learning how to use it and get optimum results. Suriady says, “The substantial support I got from the Coherent team during this time was absolutely essential to our success. Coherent provided equipment support, as well as an immense amount of 카지노사이트 cladding know-how. They had a multinational support team consisting of engineers from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Germany. Despite the COVID lockdowns, this group managed to get the system up, running, and cladding.” Suriady relates that he also performed many customer demonstrations and trials to refine his techniques while convincing prospects about the process.
By 2022, 카지노사이트 Indonesia was ready to take 카지노사이트 cladding on the road. Literally. Because all of their work is performed on-site at customer locations. This is necessary since most of the equipment 카지노사이트 Indonesia clads is too big, heavy, or expensive to bring back to their own shop.
Typical 카지노사이트 jobs include resurfacing steam turbine blades in power plants, restoring bearing surfaces on shafts in industrial machinery, and refacing large rollers in paper mills. The gas-delivered powder nozzle (which forces the powder towards the work surface under pressure) enables the system to perform 카지노사이트 in any orientation – even upside down. Thiscapability provides the operational flexibility to clad just about any part or piece of equipment without having to move or reposition it. Sur카지노사이트dy reports that this is a critical feature for their work.
Inconel 625 is often their material of choice as the cladding powder, mainly due to the types of industry that 카지노사이트 Indonesia serves. “Inconel 625 tends to deliver a clad layer that is compatible and at least as strong as the original material,” states Suriady. “Plus, it’s very corrosion and chemical-resistant. We used it on one of our first jobs to clad the inside of a tank that processes chlorine-based precursors for a PVC manufacturer. The results impressed our customer so much that after one year of use they’ve already asked us to do more.”
The Coherent 카지노사이트 is usually mounted on a variety of Kuka robot arms, depending on the requirements of the task. 카지노사이트 Indonesia typically sends a four-man crew on a job. This is enough manpower to load and unload the 카지노사이트 system from their custom-made truck and roll it to the work site.
During a job one worker operates the 카지노사이트, one controls the robot, and another serves as safety officer, viewing and recording the whole operation. Suriady himself usually acts as process designer together with the engineering team on site. Every job needs its own novel approach; no two jobs are the same.
In addition to delivering high-quality cladding results, Suriady cites the 카지노사이트’s ease-of-operation, compact size, robustness, and reliability as outstanding features for him. “We travel great distances to remote locations to each job and the 카지노사이트 often gets bounced around on the trip. Plus, the operating environments are almost always high temperature and high humidity,” he notes. “The Coherent 카지노사이트 is portable and robust enough for us to transport, quick to set up, and has been very reliable under all conditions. It also has an integrated, self-contained chiller, so the cooling system isn’t dependent on the local water quality, which isn’t always so great.”
“Nobody in Indonesia had even heard of 카지노사이트 cladding before we started, so I took a giant risk,” continues Suriady. “But so far everyone we’ve served has been so impressed with the results. It is addictive, you know? It’s obviously cheaper than part replacement, and our customers immediately saw they were saving a tremendous amount of time by recladding worn parts. Then after a while, they realized they were also saving big bucks. And they are ecstatic! 카지노사이트 cladding delivers better results than any other method. I’m already getting repeat orders, and the reliability and flexibility of theNovel Laser Coat메이저give me confidence to grow our 카지노사이트 business further.”
“I saw an opportunity for 카지노사이트 cladding in Indonesia, but I didn’t know how to get started. Coherent listened to my needs, helped me build a system, and supported me through getting it running successfully."
— Tommy Suriady, President, PT 카지노사이트 Indonesia

Figure 1.Restoring the leading-edge surface of turbine blades with 카지노사이트. 카지노사이트 is much quicker and less costly than removing and replacing worn blades or repairing them using traditional welding or thermal spray methods.

Figure 2.Bearing surfaces on large machines can be quickly resurfaced at the customer site with 카지노사이트 cladding.
Figure 3.The entire cladding system is compact and easy-to-use, which enables 카지노사이트 Indonesia to transport it and operate it at remote locations.