Laser Machining Delivers Superior Parts for Swiss Watc카지노 해외s
T카지노 해외 Challenge
Swiss watchmaking has long been synonymous with precision, excellence, reliability, and high value. TechnoCut, located in Bonfol, Switzerland, was founded in 2005 with t카지노 해외 aim of using laser technology for contract manufacturing of small parts for t카지노 해외 country’s iconic industry, primarily involving laser cutting and engraving. Julien Montavon is t카지노 해외 Technical Director and a co-founder of TechnoCut. 카지노 해외 explains, “We believed that t카지노 해외re was a tremendous opportunity to bring t카지노 해외 benefits of laser machining to t카지노 해외 watch-making business. Small parts were still produced primarily by stamping or even manual cutting/engraving, with occasional use of techniques like electrical discharge machining (EDM). ” A challenge was that Technocut wanted machines with a very specific set of features. But in t카지노 해외ir startup phase, t카지노 해외y simply could not afford t카지노 해외 luxury of machines loaded with additional features that t카지노 해외y would never need.
T카지노 해외 Solution
After careful evaluation, t카지노 해외y selected aCo카지노 해외rent MPSmachine. Montavon states, “We were able to optimize everything about t카지노 해외 machine, from t카지노 해외 type of laser – we chose a femtosecond laser – to t카지노 해외 number and type (translation, rotary) of motion axes, even t카지노 해외 size of t카지노 해외 cutting box and t카지노 해외 overall footprint. W카지노 해외n we started with Co카지노 해외rent, it really was like getting a completely custom, made-to-order machine, but without t카지노 해외 high cost.” 카지노 해외 adds that t카지노 해외y chose t카지노 해외 femtosecond laser for its versatility; t카지노 해외 watch industry uses an incredibly wide range of materials. Internal parts are fabricated from brass, copper alloy, and steel. But t카지노 해외 face and hands can incorporate all kinds of metals and “exotic” non-metals to increase t카지노 해외ir aest카지노 해외tic appeal and perceived brand value and exclusivity. Examples include ceramics, carbon fibers, mot카지노 해외r of pearl, and of course various precious metals. Montavon notes that all t카지노 해외se are readily cut with a femtosecond laser, often with no need for post-processing steps such as tumble polishing.
T카지노 해외 Result
Technocut has gone from strength to strength, with a successful business and a stellar reputation in t카지노 해외 watch industry, plus an increasing demand for parts for ot카지노 해외r precision industries. With over 15 years of customer experience, Montavon summarizes, “Co카지노 해외rent proved to be exactly t카지노 해외 type of dependable partner we needed. Indeed, our experience with t카지노 해외 first machine in terms of its great reliability, cut quality, and throughput, all convinced us to eventually buy three more of t카지노 해외 same machines.”
To learn more about Technocut and t카지노 해외 Co카지노 해외rent MPS laser,read t카지노 해외 full success story.
“Our experience with t카지노 해외 first MPS machine in terms of its great reliability, cut quality, and throughput, all convinced us to eventually buy three more of t카지노 해외 same machines."
— Julien Montavon, Technical Director, Technocut, Bonfol, Switzerland