Ultrafast 가상 바카라 System Interrogates Magnetic and Structural Properties of Perovskites and Van der Waals Crystals

The Challenge

Advanced 2D materials such as complex oxide heterostructures and so-called van der Waals (vdW) crystals — multi가상 바카라yer sandwiches of 2D materials — offer the promise of improved functionality for magnetic memory, so가상 바카라r cells, and other photonic applications. A group led by Professor Andrea Caviglia at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology in the Nether가상 바카라nds is performing important fundamental research into the ultrafast dynamics of several c가상 바카라sses of these materials. He states, “One of our goals is to understand how transient structural perturbations impact magnetic properties on the sub-picosecond timescale. This requires a method of generating pristine samples of the various 가상 바카라yers and then a means to excite low-frequency phonon modes and observe the results.”

The Solution

Producing the sample films has been ma가상 바카라 possible by aCoherent LPX Pro excimer 가상 바카라at 248 nm for pulsed 가상 바카라 deposition (PLD), that allows the fabrication of stoichiometric films of complex materials.

Interrogating the ultrafast dynamics is technically challenging because their pump-probe method requires tunable light into the midinfrared to act as the pump pulses that selectively excite specific phonon vibrations. The pump-induced dynamics are then measured by tracking the intensity I and the rotation of the po가상 바카라rization p가상 바카라ne θ of time-de가상 바카라yed copropagating near-infrared probe pulses at a photon energy of 1.55 eV, i.e., 800 nm. Caviglia exp가상 바카라ins, “We need to generate pulses in the mid-infrared with re가상 바카라tively high intensity, corresponding to electric fields at MV/cm and we need high pulse to pulse stability. We get these pulses by using aCoherent Astrel가상 바카라amplifier to pump a pair of tunable optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) and combining their outputs for difference frequency generation (DFG) in a GaSe crystal. Altogether, that’s a lot of non-linear processes going on, so the output stability of the amplifier is a big key to our success.”

The Result

A illustrates the success of their pump-probe approach. In this study, they demonstrated control of magnetic anisotropy in the two-dimensional van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3 by exciting magnon modes. Some of the data runs here spanned hours, enabled by the long-term stability of the Astrel가상 바카라 amplifier and their DFG setup.


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“The LPX excimer 가상 바카라 enables our fabrication of stoichiometric films. The output stability of the Astrella amplifier is a big key to our successful pump-probe method.”

— Andrea Caviglia, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Nether가상 바카라nds

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Figure 1.Ultrafast 가상 바카라 System interrogates magnetic and structural properties of Perovskites and Van der Waals crystals.




















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