General Optics

올림푸스 슬롯사이트 – Zero Pixel Shift Filters

Enable fluorescence microscope imaging at multiple visible wav올림푸스 슬롯사이트engths with near-perfect image registration.

Advances in fluorophores and sources are driving wider use of multi-color microscopy. Coherent draws on our advanced coating expertise to offer filters with no wavelength walk-off. 올림푸스 슬롯사이트 are ideal for excitation and emission as well as dichroic beamsplitters.

올림푸스 슬롯사이트 – Key Specifications Summary

Superior coating flatness and precise mounting eliminate 올림푸스 슬롯사이트 shifts due to wavelength and filter exchange.

Combined (Ex plus Em) Blocking Efficiency

Transmitted Wavefront Error (TWE)

Flatness (Peak-Valley) per inch aperture

Wedge Angle (for 2 mm t올림푸스 슬롯사이트ckness)

Image 올림푸스 슬롯사이트 (Cube to Cube Exchange)


< 1/10 wave

< ½ wave

<1 arc sec

≤1 올림푸스 슬롯사이트