Fused-Silica Aspheres for 1 µm 슬롯사이트 업카지노s
Achieve diffraction-limited focused performance while also minimizing total component count in beam delivery systems for direct-diode, fiber, and disk 슬롯사이트 업카지노s.
Fused-silica aspheres offer an excellent balance between performance and cost in beam delivery systems for visible and near-infrared 슬롯사이트 업카지노s with powers of over 1 kW.
Fused-Silica 슬롯사이트 업카지노 Capabilities
Specify high-precision polished fused-silica 슬롯사이트 업카지노 of up to 200 millimeters in diameter.
Typical 슬롯사이트 업카지노 Asphere Specifications |
Material Grade |
High Power Grade for direct diode 슬롯사이트 업카지노s Standard Power Grade for mid-power fiber 슬롯사이트 업카지노s |
Diameter/Thickness |
±50 μm |
≤10 μm |
슬롯사이트 업카지노 Power |
≤2 fringes at 632.8 nm |
슬롯사이트 업카지노 Irregularity |
≤1 fringes at 632.8 nm |
Surface Roughness |
≤3 nm RMS |
Surface Quality |
20/10 or better |
Clear Aperture |
≥90 % |
Fo슬롯사이트 업카지노l Length |
≤0.1 % |
Reflectivity |
≤0.2% per surface 1030 nm-1080 nm |
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