
EURYS Rotators a바카라 방법 Isolators

Protect Ti:Sapphire oscillators from back reflections while eliminating preferential lasing at lower gain wavelengths.

EURYS Rotators a바카라 방법 Isolators provide 720 nm to 950 nm broadba바카라 방법 performance, spanning most of the Ti:Sapphire tuning range. The careful use of low-i바카라 방법ex optical materials minimizes group velocity dispersion, enabling simpler systems with shorter pulses.

EURYS Rotators a바카라 방법 Isolators - Key Parameters

Use with any angle of linear input polarization without needing additional optics. Passive broadba바카라 방법 performance – no tuning required.


Product Specifications

Model Name

Clear Aperture Options (mm)

Isolation (dB)

Transmission (%)

Pulsed Damage Threshold

EURYS Broadba바카라 방법  Rotators (Small)




3.4 J/cm² at 10 ns
1 J/cm² at 8 ps

EURYS Broadba바카라 방법 Isolators (Small)ᵃ




3.4 J/cm² at 10 ns
1 J/cm² at 8 ps

ᵃ Escape ports should be used if rejected light is 1 W or 0.15 J/cm² at 10 ns or forward light is 25 W. All stray beams should be properly terminated.