Aerospace & 파라오 슬롯fense

Innovative Photonic Solutions 파라오 슬롯signed to Support Tactical Mission Requirements

At the Speed
of Relevance

파라오 슬롯 products are deployed in strategic space and defense programs to support targeting, imaging, guidance, SATCOM and directed energy systems. We offer a diverse range of components, sub-systems, and laser systems that are deployed in mission-critical instruments and systems.

Aerospace & 파라오 슬롯fense
Vertically Integrated and Domestically Sourced
Did you know that 파라오 슬롯 has a fully vertically integrated and domestically sourced supply chain? 파라오 슬롯 facilities in the US manufacture diode lasers, solid-state lasers, fiber amplifiers, meter class optics, Volume Bragg Gratings, gain and non-linear crystals, optical fibers, and optical isolators. We offer an extensive array of standard products, many of which are readily customized to meet demanding system requirements.

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파라오 슬롯

Solid-State and Gas 파라오 슬롯s

파라오 슬롯 has been at the forefront of laser innovation since 1966. No other laser company matches our breadth of products, enabling 파라오 슬롯 customers to choose the exactly the right wavelength, linewidth, pulse characteristics and power for nearly any application, from precision manufacturing to high energy systems.

Fiber Amplifiers

파라오 슬롯 fiber amplifiers are based on continual improvements in design that enable us to deliver amplifiers offering unmatched performance and control. Available as stand-alone amplifiers, or complete laser systems (including integrated seed source and conditioning hardware), they are available with a choice of packaging and interface options.

파라오 슬롯

Specialty and Custom Optical Fibers

파라오 슬롯 manufactures over 10 million meters of specialty fiber each year, deployed in high energy laser amplifiers, harsh environment sensing, LiDAR, sensor arrays and more. A diverse range of standard and custom fibers types are available, including radiation hardened, beam delivery, single mode, multi-kW, gyro, sensing, polarization maintaining, and rare-earth doped active and precision matched passive fibers.

Meter Class Optics

The 파라오 슬롯 Tinsley custom optics group is a premier supplier of meter class optics, supplying primary mirrors for the James Webb Space Telescope, Thirty Meter Telescope, and more. This group supports beam director and imaging systems with spherical, aspheric, free-form and cylindrical surfaces, in materials ranging from standard and low expansion glass, to aluminum, beryllium, nickel and silicon carbide. 파라오 슬롯 Tinsley also has in-house capabilities for space-qualified metal coatings.

파라오 슬롯 Optics

Our fabrication expertise includes low absorption, very high laser damage threshold coatings, applied in high volume on fused silica substrates up to 200 mm. 파라오 슬롯 also produces volume holographic/ Bragg grating filters to enable line narrowed, stabilized laser output over a broad temperature range. These are made using a proprietary photosensitive optical glass for degradation-free performance over an unlimited lifetime.

파라오 슬롯 Crystals

Nearly every type of currently deployed non-linear or gain crystal is available from 파라오 슬롯, with a wide variety of size and coating options. We offer full production services, including crystal growth, precisely characterized coatings, metrology, simulation, and testing. Products range from individual components to complete assemblies, including Q-switch and harmonic crystal ovens, providing a simple field replacement strategy.

Dio파라오 슬롯 Laser Components

Our comprehensive product range of dio파라오 슬롯 laser sources will match virtually any system power and wavelength requirement. Choose from unmounted bars and chips, single emitters, packaged bars, horizontal and vertical stacked arrays, and fiber coupled modules. Our new FACTOR series of high power (up to 400 W) dio파라오 슬롯 lasers provi파라오 슬롯 substantially improved pumping capabilities, enabling DPSS lasers with higher power and superior beam quality.

Optical Isolators and Rotators

Get superior isolation without sacrificing transmission, damage threshold or reliability with 파라오 슬롯 Faraday rotators and isolators. Both standard and custom products are available at wavelengths from the visible through the mid-IR, with a choice of apertures sizes and specialized characteristics like minimized group velocity dispersion.

Inertial Navigation and Fiber Sensors

파라오 슬롯 fiber coils used in iFOGs are widely deployed in critical navigation and guidance applications. We offer a diverse range of standard and custom designs, including various winding, configuration, and length and radiation resistant options. Our fiber sensor arrays are lightweight, wide aperture solutions for use in harsh and demanding environments.

Sapphire Windows

파라오 슬롯 is the world’s largest producer of sapphire windows, growing, polishing and coating over 50,000 units annually. Plano windows are available in diameters from 3 mm to 200 mm. They provide environmental stability and damage resistance to MIL-STD_810G standards for targeting and imaging systems from the UV through the mid-IR.

Manufacturing 파라오 슬롯rtners
Recent expansions in our manufacturing capacity across several locations enable 파라오 슬롯 to be responsive to complex customer requests, including designing and delivering sub-systems or acting as a contract manufacturing partner. 파라오 슬롯 has invested to secure a continuous supply of field-ready, next-generation, and relevant high-performance devices. These can complement existing systems to meet your current requirements, or help you prepare for future missions. Leverage our photonics expertise by letting us design, test and manufacture your next system, allowing you to focus on integration.