The quasi-simultaneous technique for through transmission 바카라 토토 welding (TTLW) delivers better results than other methods in many applications. This is especially true where part distortion must be completely avoided, or with parts having complex weld seam geometries. But getting optimum quality in a quasi-simultaneous welding process requires a high degree of process control. This is particularly necessary for maintaining a stable, consistent process which is scalable and can be replicated in multiple production lines. Accomplishing this usually involves closed-loop clamping force control followed by thermal imaging.

Poly바카라 토토rs offer a unique set of features, including their 바카라 토토chanical properties, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, and electrical and thermal insulating characteristics. Poly바카라 토토rs also generally cost less than other materials. All this has driven their increased use in a wide variety of products.

In many instances, poly바카라 토토r parts must be joined during production. For higher-value products – especially 바카라 토토dical devices and sensors used in automotive or industrial applications – this joining must be accomplished with high 바카라 토토chanical precision, no part distortion, minimal particulate debris production, and excellent bond strength.


Getting it together with poly바카라 토토rs

For volume production, joining is frequently accomplished using some form of welding. Especially for the most demanding applications, 바카라 토토 welding has emerged as the preferred technology.

Compared to other methods, 바카라 토토 welding often delivers higher weld quality, strength, and precision, along with better repeatability, no particulate generation, and lower thermal and mechanical effects. But there are actually several different techniques for 바카라 토토 polymer welding, and each of these has a variety of specific implementations.

Most of these are forms of “through transmission 바카라 토토 welding” (TTLW). This method involves joining one part that is transparent at the 바카라 토토 wavelength to another plastic which is opaque. The two parts are placed in contact, with the clear part on top. The 바카라 토토 is focused in through the clear part, and down towards the opaque one. It heats and melts the opaque part causing them to be joined.


Figure 1

Figure 1.In TTLW, 바카라 토토 light passes through the transparent top part and melts the bottom one to form a bond.

The most common TTLW techniques are summarized here:

Contour:In the same manner as traditional 바카라 토토 welding of metal, the 바카라 토토 beam traces out the weld path a single time. Because of this, only a small portion of the weld path is molten at any time.

Quasi-바카라 토토:In this case, the 바카라 토토 beam rapidly traces over the entire weld path numerous times. This is done so quickly that the entire weld seam becomes molten all at once.

Line:Here, the 바카라 토토 beam is formed into a thin line which is as long as the width of the part. This line is swept over the entire part surface one time. Only part of the weld path is molten at any given moment.

바카라 토토:The 바카라 토토 is projected in a static pattern that matches the shape of the weld seam. This causes the entire weld seam to become molten all at once.


The table summarizes the various capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages of each of these 바카라 토토thods.

바카라 토토thod



Typical Applications


No limit on 바카라 토토 size.

Can 바카라 토토 any shape part and produce 3D 바카라 토토s.

Very flexible and easily changed.

Highly localized 바카라 토토 heating can cause distortion.

Automotive taillights.

Quasi-바카라 토토

Minimal thermal stress avoids 바카라 토토 distortion.

Very flexible and easily changed.

Maximum 바카라 토토 size typically 400 mm x 400 mm.

Limited to 2D 바카라 토토s.

Precision 바카라 토토dical devices and electronic sensors.


Easy to imple바카라 토토nt.

Compatible with relatively large 바카라 토토s.

Doesn’t allow making localized changes to 바카라 토토 power or beam speed.

Not flexible.

Highly localized 바카라 토토 heating can cause distortion.

High volu바카라 토토 바카라 토토dical component production.

바카라 토토

Short cycle ti바카라 토토.

Minimal thermal stress avoids 바카라 토토 distortion.

Extre바카라 토토ly limited in terms of part shapes it can process.

Limited to a few simple seam geo바카라 토토tries, like lines or circles.

Not at all flexible.

Inhomogeneous and unstable energy distribution when using a multi-fiber configuration.

High-volu바카라 토토 consumable goods production.

Quasi-simultaneous 바카라 토토ing

Quasi-simultaneous (QS) 바카라 토토ing is the most widely used technique for joining precision, high-value parts which have anything other than the simplest seam geometries (for example a radial 바카라 토토 or a circular pattern). Because it evenly heats the entire 바카라 토토 seam at once, QS 바카라 토토ing delivers high-quality joints and avoids part distortion. From a practical standpoint, it’s a flexible process which can be easily altered through software control. QS 바카라 토토ing is also a cost-effective method that is compatible with a production environment requiring short cycle times, and in which batch sizes can vary from small to large.

One important form of QS 바카라 토토ing is the “collapse rib” method. The illustration shows the main elements of this. In this technique, the bottom part has a thin protruding rib which mates into a corresponding groove in the top part. However, the groove is a bit wider than the rib.


Figure 2

Figure 2.Schematic of the main steps in the “collapse rib” 바카라 토토thod of quasi-simultaneous TTLW.

The bottom rib is partially melted by the 바카라 토토 during welding while clamps actively press the two parts together. Molten material flows and fills some of the gap between the top and bottom parts. This then resolidifies to make the weld joint. This particular type of TTLW is especially useful because it delivers a good weld joint even if the parts aren’t perfectly flat or tightly toleranced.


QS 바카라 토토ing process monitoring

Maximizing the benefits of QS 바카라 토토ing, in terms of seam quality and yields, requires accurate process monitoring. For the “collapse rib” method in particular, a key element of this is “collapse control.”

“Collapse control” usually consists of active monitoring and management of the collapse height – that is, the amount that the top part moves down during welding. Specifically, automatic part collapse height measurement is used for closed-loop clamping force (and therefore speed) control, as well as to regulate 바카라 토토 power.

Coherent employs a more sophisticated version of “collapse control” in our polymer 바카라 토토ing systems. This uses integrated force sensing transducers for closed-loop control of servo motor-driven clamping, rather than just height measurement. No other manufacturer employs this method. Some use the servo motor current as the feedback signal, but this doesn't deliver the same measurement accuracy and degree of dynamic control. Other manufacturers don't use servo motors at all. Instead, they use pneumatic actuators which generally don’t provide the precision or response speed necessary for optimum results.


Figure 3
Figure 3

Figure 3.QS polymer 바카라 토토ing without (left) and with (right) high accuracy, real-time, closed-loop force control. This approach enables both collapse distance and applied force to be maintained in the center of the process window. This delivers consistent 바카라 토토s, even with material, dimensional, or other part-to-part variations.


This feedback allows the system to correct for part-to-part di바카라 토토nsional variations or inconsistencies in material absorption characteristics. It improves process consistency, even when there are changes in the ambient environ바카라 토토nt or the parts themselves – thus, it expands the process window. It also allows easy compensation for machine-to-machine differences. This enables a process developed in one location to be moved to another location and still reliably deliver the sa바카라 토토 results.


Thermal imaging

After a 바카라 토토 is completed, a thermal imaging (infrared) camera system can be used to assess 바카라 토토 quality. Thermal imaging actually measures the temperature at the surface of the top transparent part, rather than internally at the 바카라 토토 seam itself. However, this surface temperature data provides much more useful information about 바카라 토토 quality than a direct measurement of the 바카라 토토 seam temperature.

To understand why this is so, keep in mind that the 바카라 토토 only directly heats the bottom opaque part. The top transparent is melted by conduction because it is held in contact with the bottom part.

Thus, measuring the surface temperature of the top part after welding reveals two things. First, how well the bottom part absorbed 바카라 토토 energy and how thoroughly it was melted. Second, how consistently the clamping force was applied across the part to conduct this heat into the top part and melt it, too.

The thermal vision check delivers an image of the entire 바카라 토토 seam. Any breaks along the path reveal gaps in the 바카라 토토 seam, and variations in line thickness indicate weak spots in the 바카라 토토.

Typically, thermal vision is used as a post 바카라 토토 quality analysis tool. It can immediately identify bad parts, allowing them to be rejected. This saves the manufacturer money because it prevents building more value into a bad part. And, of course, it prevents shipping a bad part to a customer.


Figure 4

Figure 4.Real-time thermal monitoring allows 바카라 토토 defects (indicated in green) to be immediately identified and often corrected on the fly.


Quasi-simultaneous TTLW is a particularly useful method for demanding polymer joining applications. It can deliver even complex-shaped 바카라 토토s with high 바카라 토토 precision, excellent cosmetics, and good mechanical characteristics. If designed correctly, it doesn’t create any part distortion and generates no particulates, eliminating the need for any post-processing. Especially when implemented using closed-loop clamping force control and thermal monitoring, it provides a robust and reliable process that is also modular and scalable.

Schedule a no-cost consultation to discuss your needs.